Kinda the point right?
Nothing to do with babies
Everything to do with control
Commie Kalifornia is losing population
Kinda the point right?
Nothing to do with babies
Everything to do with control
Commie Kalifornia is losing population
This can also mean engage in gay sex which has no risk of pregnancy.
People of the world deny reality 24/7 and instead worship the words of men as their God.
"bUt hItLer wAs a gOOd bOy. hE diN dO nUfFiN."
try harder shill
On July 8 (1933), the Concordat between the German Reich and the Holy
See was signed. German clergy showed little enthusiasm upon hearing
the news. Hitler, however, was all the more elated, particularly since the
act was bound to make a positive impression on neighboring countries,
above all Poland. He issued the following order on the same day:242
"By virtue of the conclusion of the Concordat between the Holy See and the
German Reich Government, there is, in my view, sufficient guarantee that from
now on the members of the Roman Catholic confession in the Reich will place
their services unreservedly at the disposal of the new National Socialist State.
Thus I hereby decree:
The dissolution of those Catholic organizations recognized in the present
agreement whose dissolution was performed in the absence of an order of the
Reich Government shall be repealed immediately.
All sanctions imposed upon priests and other leaders of these Catholic
organizations shall be discontinued. Any repetition of such sanctions in future
is inadmissible and will be punished in accordance with the laws in force.
I am happy in the conviction that an epoch has now come to an end in
which, unfortunately all too often, religious and political interests became
trapped in a seemingly irreconcilable polarity.
'''The agreement concluded between the Reich and the Catholic Church will
serve, in this sector as well, to bring about the peace required by all.'''"
The Complete
A Digital Desktop Reference
to His Speeches and Proclamations
Max Domarus
By forming an alliance with them?
Read better.
On July 8 (1933), the Concordat between the German Reich and the Holy See was signed.