lol foreigners running white nations
at least no one called you racist!! Right goys??
if you see niggers as your equal then you must have a very low opinion of yourself
all niggers need to be sent to hell where they belong
geee, I wonder
but bro
where would this country be without all the precious niggers?
you need to die for the niggers, goy!
half of this country would let their children get raped to death by a pack of feral niggers to not be called "racist"
Even if there is some "secret plan" to fix things, the USA has been completely overrun by 70 IQ subhuman parasites, all of which have been indocternated to hate white people.
This country is literally DOOMED. There is no happy ending here.
But look on the bright side
Yes, I hate black people more than you could ever imagine.
Before I die, mark my words, I am going to slaughter as many of them as I can, so help me God.
Those fucking demonic parasites ALL belong in the fucking ground