Your misunderstanding is that Nazis officers were resettled for their benefit, they were not, they were resettled for their captors benefit.
And in any case, the "Nazis" were the best kind of people there were - honest, intelligent, men of integrity. And thoroughly NOT what has been said about them by lame stream lying Jewish media.
Confessions forced by torture, are not admissible in a normal court of law, and are not normally taken as genuine admissions of guilt.
And criminal courts do not normally operate under conditions where facts and guilt need not be established by evidence to obtain a conviction… but Nuremberg did, by decree.
And why do you think a court would need to be set up in such a way that it could hang people without proving their guilt or a crime had been committed?
When the crime didn't happen.
As an example, at Nuremberg "Nazi" officers were hung for the Katyn massacre. But in recent decades the Russian government admitted that it was their troops that carried out the massacre, not the Germans.
But when your balls are being crushed in a vice, and you are told your wife and child will be shot if you don't admit guilt, you might tend to do so to save their hides.
Exactly why anyone decent and Aryan wanted nothing to do with the Nuremberg trials and regarded the whole thing as a cooked up, sordid Jewish revenge affair, without legitimacy or morality.