not muh six gorillion!!
>heavily modeled on the Federal Government of the United States.
muh constitushun
go live in liberia, faggots
tell me how that works out for you
"dEmOcRaTs aRe tHe rEaL RaCiStS!"
When I was in high school (mid 2000's), I had an english final exam, and I wrote it about Hitler, specifically wanting to know how he was able to gain so much support of the German people if he was this big evil monster everyone claims he was. I actually got a good grade for it too.
Yes, I am racist
letting your kids get raped by subhuman invaders so you dont get called "racist"
>And also note, Hitler was operating under full knowledge that war was coming.
Seems like he tried to stop it too
Which "Israel" are you talking about?
The real one? Or the fake one?
You and I both know you arent who you claim to be, shlomo
whats your favorite flavor of zyklon-b?
what is a shabbos goy
>What is our motivation to fight for a place that openly hates us, legally discriminates against us, and teaches that we are evil in school?
but muh patriotism
back the blue, goyim
doing some shooting today, bros
>imagine thinking these were the bad guys
Whatcha doin there, rabbi?
what was that, rabbi?
"oy vey! not muh tranny porn!"
"You better knock it off, goy!"
What did he mean by this, MAGA bros??
oh noooo
crazy leftists are gonna call us fascists
better just stop exposing the truth then I guess
why do they hate us, jew-bros?
nah Im pretty comfortable with my hatred and who its directed towards
I am only "patriotic" towards other white people.
I couldnt care less what happens to all the non-white invaders that jews allowed in.
Not my people? Couldnt care less.
I dont need "unity" with a bunch of low-IQ, subhuman parasites.
keep trying to "unite" with people who hate you. Tell me how that works out.
round up all the niggers and spics and ship them the fuck back where they came from
Id say were are somewhere around 3 or 2
The more you kikes tell me to "love" subhumans the more I hate them, and the more I hate you. So keep it up.