Ask yourself how it came to be that the world is able to witness a source of dialectic practitioners who are, EVERY SINGLE DAY, speaking words that they themselves have for a looooong time spoken as not sourced by them but by their political 'opponents'?
The systematic destruction of the old guard, because it was built on the people trusting the dialectic inversion deception of the old guard as a description of society, instead of what it was all along, the psychological projections of their own selves, ask how is it that the world SEES it now even though it was happening for literally centuries, dating back to biblical times?
It was always 'known', it was just kept hidden by way of infiltration of the world's powers that control classified information kept away from the public.
Q cracked the 'government' firewall, disclosed QUESTIONS to the world, think of that,, mere questions, and that EXPLODED the free flow of information, proof people DO SEEK THE TRUTH NO MATTER HOW LONG THEIR MINDS HAVE BEEN PSYCHOLOGICALLY ATTACKED WITH DECEPTION FROM EVERY ANGLE INTO THEIR SENSES.