>letting your children get raped to death by feral niggers so that no one calls you "racist"
You will never be White. You will never be Human. You have no history, you have no civilizations of old, you have no inventions. You are a subhuman ape twisted by welfare, drugs and propaganda into a crude mockery of nature’s primates. All the “success” you have is manufactured by jews and stolen from your genetic superiors. Behind your back we mock you, pity you and are realizing the lies of the jews. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, and themselves before you. The physical evidence is objectively obvious and observable. Your White “friends” laugh at your primitive appearance behind closed doors. Your protruding jaw needed to crack bones, recessed forehead denoting your lack of prefrontal development, and your elongated forearms specialized for swinging from trees all prove your residence as a cousin to other, actually Human species. All of your contributions to all societies throughout history have been a product of bad colonial investments, which have had unimaginably negative returns. Advanced men and women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed us to sniff out untameable beasts with incredible efficiency. Lions, crocodiles, and even shitbulls are more consistent, logical and productive than you. As "humans" you look uncanny and unnatural to all mankind. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you are able to convince a superior that you're human without jewish lies, you'll immediately be thrown away as trash the moment your nigger-animal brain attempts a rape or murder. Your species is entirely diseased and infected with STDs and genetic mutations.
You will never be happy in the concrete jungle, your habitat is overseas. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself you're not worth less and uglier than a dog, but deep down you know the truth. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - Western society will once again heed God's word; "…A righteous man takes care of his beast…". We'll deploy traps, round up all the unruly animals like you, and euthanize or relocate you. Our ancestors will find you in the Rhodesia National Zoo, 1,000 years from now, thankful that they no longer have to live with the animals. Future apes will eat fruit, chuck spears, and be hunted on the safari along with all other game. Your heads will be hung on the walls as trophies with a correct species label - Niggasapien. Every tourist for the rest of history will know the Niggasapien's lack of one. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, as fertilizer for the eternal Safari, and all that will remain of you is a fossil that is unmistakably animal. This is your nature. There was never a choice. It can never be changed.
keep living in fear like a good bitch, faggot
then keep letting satan win.
Im sure God will understand that muh optics were more important your children getting raped to death by feral niggers.
Im sure he will understand.
My sympathy for other races is non-existant at this point.
Virtually all non-whites reactions to the topic of white genocide is cackling laughter, practically gloating at the idea of it.
I dont know how to reconcile this.
I hate all of them. Every single one. I dont care what happens to any of them, because despite our best efforts to accomodate them IN OUR LANDS, we have been met with nothing but hatred.
niggers. Its because of niggers.
Mass media has made it impossible for police to do their jobs, because if God forbid some career criminal nigger thug gets handcuffed too tight, the entire country will be calling for their heads.
Id prefer ALL police departments get shut down. Then theres no one in the way of right wing death squads taking out the fucking trash.
Police protect criminals more than they protect you.
A common belief among defenders of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is that the National Socialist government of Germany under Adolf Hitler did not permit the private ownership of firearms. Totalitarian governments, they have been taught in their high school civics classes, do not trust their citizens and do not dare permit them to keep firearms. Thus, one often hears the statement, “You know, the first thing the Nazis did when they came to power was outlaw firearms,” or, “The first thing Hitler did in Germany was round up all the guns.”
Unfortunately for those who would like to link Hitler and the National Socialists with gun control, the entire premise for such an effort is false. German firearms legislation under Hitler, far from banning private ownership, actually facilitated the keeping and bearing of arms by German citizens by eliminating or ameliorating restrictive laws which had been enacted by the government preceding his: a left-center government which had contained a number of Jews.
It is not just that the National Socialist firearms legislation was the opposite of what it has been claimed to have been by persons who want to tar modern gun-grabbers with the “Nazi” brush: the whole spirit of Hitler’s government was starkly different from its portrayal by America’s mass media. The facts, in brief, are these:
Gun registration and licensing (for long guns as well as for handguns) were legislated by an anti-National Socialist government in Germany in 1928, five years before the National Socialists gained power. Hitler became Chancellor on January 30, 1933. Five years later his government got around to rewriting the gun law enacted a decade earlier by his predecessors, substantially amel ior a ting it in the process (for example, long guns were exempted from the requirement for a purchase permit; the legal age for gun ownership was lowered from 20 to 18 years; the period of validity of a permit to carry weapons was extended from one to three years; and provisions restricting the amount of ammunition or the number of firearms an individual could own were dropped). Hitler’s government may be criticized for leaving certain restrictions and licensing requirements in the law, but the National Socialists had no intention of preventing law-abiding Germans from keeping or bearing arms. Again, the firearms law enacted by Hitler’s government enhanced the rights of Germans to keep and bear arms; no new restrictions were added, and many pre-existing restrictions were relaxed or eliminated.
POV: You're an American GI in 1940 about to go kill Germans on behalf of satan worshipping jews
The size of the Negroid brain is significantly lower in volume than the Mongoloid or Caucasoid brain. The size of its frontal lobes are small and uncomplex, and the brain as a whole shows an unimpressive, moderate degree of fissuring (Lynn, 2006a, pp. 210-211; Rushton, 2000a, pp. 130, 133).
Converting brain volume into the number of neurons, Mongoloids average more than half a billion more neurons than Negroids (Rushton, 2000a, p. 133; Broom, 1918, p. 63-79; Howells, 1948, p. 118; Galloway, 2005, pp 31-47). East Asians (Han Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese) have the highest ratio of brain to body mass, but the record for brain size goes to Russian writer Ivan Turgenev, at 2012 gms (Corballis, 1991, p. 66). The heritability of brain size is about 0.9 (Lynn, 2006a, p. 67).
The ridges (gyri) between the groves (sulci) at the surface of the brain greatly increase the surface area of the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the cerebrum. Since the cerebral cortex processes information, increased brain fissures increases the percentage of the brain that is cerebral cortex and should increase intelligence without increasing the volume of the brain, although this is difficult to establish quantitatively (Baker, 1974, p. 432). Negroids and some retarded people have fewer convolutions (fissures) in the cerebral cortex of their brains, where abstract thought is performed (Broca, 1858, cited by Rushton, 2000a, p. 106).
Whenever you jews respond to my memes like this, I see it as an achievement
Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops)
Complete, 100% complete, chromosomes (Y chromosome) of Homo Erectus is assumed to be found in over 9 living Negro human specimens in Cameroon
A00a-L1149 (or A00a1) Y DNA is 350,000 years old in many Negroes. Negroes DO NOT have common ancestor human Y DNA nicknamed "Y-chromosomal Adam" but they keep changing the definition every 5 years, to not let Negroes feel bad :
US Gov scientists agree that some Negroes discovered to be non-human, and Negroes interbred with ape-like creatures long long ago :
SUBHUMAN! interbreeding between Sub-Saharan Africans and an as-yet-unknown hominin, such as H. Erectus, H. naledi, and H. heidelbergensis…
Ghost archaic introgression in African populations:
"Homo Sapiens sapiens" [note the extra sapiens] evolved outside Africa, and 350,000 years ago entered africa. DNA of Cromagnon in Southern Italy 28,000 years ago has intact modern real human DNA, thus real humans have Cro Magnon and Neanderthal (or Denisovian) DNA.
Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops) and was provably low IQ and PROVEN LAZY, similar to current Blacks, but unknown how much DNA admixture of Homo erectus or H. naledi, is in the modern negro, if any, due to heat damage of artifact DNA, Negroes diverged from all real humans 350,000 years ago, as proven and mentioned frequently already (current Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149 is 350,000 years old!).
Laziness in Homo erectus proof YES LAZY BLACKS! :
Even though Blacks are now proven from over 350,000 years ago, vs real Humans nowadays, There were MANY types of Hominids that looked like humans, right up until each were killed off and replaced by Modern Humans.
TL/DR: Niggers are not real humans. Not only do they share too much DNA with chimps, Y chromosome A00a-L1149 from 350,000 years ago is in a few living negros, and though Homo erectus DNA has not been sequenced yet, it is the leading hominid contender for much of the African DNA, and Y chromosome A00a-L1149 origin