Anonymous ID: 791654 July 15, 2022, 12:48 p.m. No.16739289   🗄️.is 🔗kun



About Soleimani. He was part of the Alliance. He was murdered by Israel in order to start WW3. He was in a very important meeting just prior to his murder and he was betrayed by someone close to him.


Remember Trudeau's reaction to that plane downed by Iran? Rumors go that there was on board important Mossad people and they had Canadian citizenship.


Soleimani is apparently dead but there are strange rumors circulating about him.


Samson option no more. Nukes no more. Beirut Port blast was the big game changer.


Pompeo was not the only one to work behind Potus' back. Time will reveal loads of things.


What disgusts me the most is the reaction to all of this. I still remember how the reaction was to Soleimani's death, in this place, and in the rallies. Just like I remember the reaction to Beirut Port blast. Just like it's the same reaction on going to the war in Yemen. MBS killing millions of Yemeni people, mostly children and women, but he is cheered. Alliance don't sacrifice the innocent. Take a look at Putin and how slowly the Russian army moved into Ukraine to minimize civilian casualties.


Z and V are fighting side by side. United against the enemy of man. This sends a huge message to the world.


Iran joined BRICS, it's Putin's ally. Trade deals signed with loads of counties, been posting about them for a month now, but it's being ignored. Huge things happened, are happening, will happen. We need anons. We need anons' support.

Anonymous ID: 791654 July 15, 2022, 1:15 p.m. No.16739467   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Egypt to suspend role in Mali's UN peace operations


Egypt will "temporarily suspend" its involvement in Mali's United Nations peacekeeping operations after seven of its troops died this year in attacks, the UN mission MINUSMA said on Friday.


In a statement, the mission said that this week Egypt showed its concerns at UN headquarters in New York.


"We have been informed that, in consequence, the Egyptian contingent would temporarily suspend its activities in MINUSMA from August 15," said the statement, without giving details on how long the suspension would be.


Mali to halt all new UN peacekeeping rotations


Mali said Thursday that for "national security" reasons, rotations of the UN's peacekeeping mission will be suspended, in the most recent complication in relations between the ruling junta and international partners.


Rotations of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) mission are being suspended, including those already scheduled, the foreign ministry in Bamako said.


In a statement, the ministry added that the suspension will last until a meeting is held to "facilitate the coordination and regulation" of the rotation of contingents.


The announcement did not clarify the reasons for the move that came four days after Mali arrested 49 Ivorian soldiers it described as "mercenaries" having the intention to overthrow the country's military-led government.


The soldiers are National Support Elements (NSE), a UN procedure allowing peacekeeping contingents to use outside contractors for logistical duties. They were arrested after arriving at Bamako airport aboard a special flight, and they comprised the eighth rotation under this scheme, according to Ivory Coast.


Yesterday's statement by Mali did not refer to their arrest or give a date for talks to discuss MINUSMA rotations, but it assured the UN mission that Mali would "work diligently to create conditions conducive to the lifting of this suspension of rotation, which is an essential step in enabling the deployed contingents to ensure the proper implementation of MINUSMA's mandate."


MINUSMA has been in Mali since 2013 after the Sahel region plunged into chaos after Al Qaeda-linked extremists seized northern Mali in 2012.


Since its inception, MINUSMA has reported over 275 fatalities, one of the highest among all UN peacekeeping missions


Of these attacks, 177 deaths were the result of hostile acts, the latest of which was against the Egyptian contingent on July 5, when two peacekeepers died and five were critically injured near Gao, in northern Mali.


A UN official in Bamako said Egypt contributed 1,035 out of 12,261 UN peacekeeping troops in Mali.


"It is one of the mission's biggest contingents," he said.

Anonymous ID: 791654 July 15, 2022, 1:25 p.m. No.16739522   🗄️.is 🔗kun


US-Israeli disputes on Iran still the same: Israeli media


At the conclusion of US President Joe Biden's visit to occupied Palestine, the disputes between Washington and the Israeli occupation regarding Iran are still the same as they were ahead of the visit, Israeli media reported on Friday.


"In Israel, they summarize this visit by saying that there was no dramatically good news, and they are currently looking at Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia to see if there could be any additional, possibly more important steps," an Israeli Channel 13 political affairs commentator said. "Today in Al-Quds they hope to see more steps toward normalization soon."


Israeli media said earlier today that Biden had no good news for the Israelis, "and the momentum the meetings had did not veil the disputes between Israel and the United States regarding the undertaken policies toward Iran."


"Lapid talked about the need for having a real military option against the Iranian threats, and Biden, in turn, said 'we are adhering to diplomacy'. When he was asked, he said 'I believe in diplomacy'. When asked: 'forever?' he said: 'I believe in diplomacy'," Israeli media reported.


"The Americans did not waiver by even a millimeter on their position, and they are still holding on to the 2015 nuclear agreement. They want to return to it, and the ball is in Iran's court," an Israeli Channel 13 military affairs commentator said.


"Even amid frequent and public affirmations of the close relationship between Israel and the United States, the differences over how to handle Iran remain stubborn," The New York Times said earlier today.


The American newspaper clarified that Biden pledged to the Israeli leaders that he would allow Iran to acquire a nuclear bomb, but the caretaker Israeli premier pushed even further, asking all "democratic nations" to vow to act if the Iranians continue "to develop their nuclear program."


Israeli media also quoted former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as saying: "Israel has no military option against Iran. For anyone saying Israel has a military option, meaning a comprehensive war and attack: this does not exist."


President Biden, in a bid to assure his allies in the Israeli occupation regarding their concerns about Iran's nuclear capabilities, said he would use force to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and pledged not to give in to the Islamic Republic's key demands.


"If that was the last resort, yes," Biden said upon being asked if he would use force against the Islamic Republic to stop it from further developing its nuclear program.


Former US President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear agreement in 2018 rendered "Israel" more vulnerable, Biden argued. It will be safer with a renewed agreement, he added.


Major powers and Iran were holding talks in the Austrian capital of Vienna with the aim of reviving the 2015 nuclear agreement and returning the United States to it following Washington's unilateral withdrawal in 2018 under then-President Donald Trump, who accompanied his decision with the imposition of harsh sanctions on Tehran.


The negotiations are yet to yield a deal, and Biden wants to ensure that Washington, "Tel Aviv", and Riyadh are on the same page on Tehran if the Iran nuclear talks fail, The New York Times said, noting that the US President is hoping the talks succeed.


US President Joe Biden and Israeli occupation Prime Minister Yair Lapid have been reportedly discussing signing an accord that will see the two upping the commitment to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and carrying out "destabilizing activities", a senior US administration official said Thursday.


The signing of the agreement will take place during Biden's visit to occupied Palestine, the first leg of his West Asia tour. He arrived at Al-Lydd's Ben Gurion Airport on Wednesday, where he was received by high-ranking Israeli officials on his first official visit to occupied Palestine as President before holding talks with Israeli occupation Prime Minister Yair Lapid and other senior officials.