>even low IQ shills know you can't indict collective nouns
Indict is a legal term, Anon.
And legalism is a path to injustice, not justice.
The natural right to fight for a sustainable existence and a people to SELF-RULE, on the lands of their forefathers, that they are deeply connected to, stands above any legal right or process.
Natural rights dictate the right to protect one's own people against the agents that harm them, and the VECTORS and WELLSPRINGS of the vectors that work against their sustained existence, especially where these have been inserted INTO the aforementioned lands by people FOREIGN to them in origin.
Not all Jews are guilty, but the vast majority are (e.g. any Jew that supports mass immigration into White nations, even if only legal immigration, is guilty of treason against the nation and people they reside amongst.. this counts at least 99.8% of Jews already).
And Jews have CONSISTENTLY behaved in such manner throughout history, to indicate that if they were to be allowed to remain, even the few "good" ones, that the situation would repeat to much greater harm.
And moving a people on, to LIVE WITH THEIR OWN KIND, is not doing some great injustice to them. On the contrary, it enables and delivers a much more intergenerational sustainable existence for their line than having them remain. So no LASTING damage is done, unless by choice of those people and their kids themselves (such as to try to force others to accept them staying and having their offspring able to compete to harm their hosts).
Look at what you desire. A people alien to others, with homes elsewhere, who are doing great harm to others, and who have a history of doing immense harm, to be allowed to stay, even if the consequence of that would be the dispossession and harm of a much larger group down the track.
It is pure selfishness Anon.
Just let each race have its own space, that is far fairer than Asia for Asians, Israel for Jews and White nations for everyone.
You ask for something fair on an individual level, at the expense of a whole race of people being harmed.
But Anon, you ask of another race too much, and much more than is fair to ask. So no. Take your abusive request elsewhere. The answer is no.