i generally just don't care for jigaboos or smolhats
for the most part, they just walk around with a giant chip on their shoulder with an enormous lack of respect for caucasians and caucasian heritage/culture
i generally just don't care for jigaboos or smolhats
for the most part, they just walk around with a giant chip on their shoulder with an enormous lack of respect for caucasians and caucasian heritage/culture
uni's in the last several decades have churned out nothing but hardcore liberals who are deeply invested in "civil rights" and promote nothing but diversity and wokeism so no
>anons talk about the deep state so much they must be in love with them
>paul revere talked about the british coming so much he must have been in love with them
>the colonists talked about the loyalists so much they must have been in love with them
fucking nigger tier level of thinking
wonder if they could finally see if every smolhat was physically replaced with a rice beaner and the rice beaner to do the same shit the smolhat has done to america
>old person has traumatic experience
>people are shocked they had a heart attack because of it
>must be cia
for fuck sake