We are here to assist you in any way that we can, as we continue to work this program with you that was started quite some time ago and continues on to this day. That we would continue to assist in moving you along through this ascension process. Slowly, we will add here. Because we cannot do it too fast.
We cannot overwork your central nervous system, because you would not be able to handle it. So we assist in bringing these energies to you, but also holding them back from you so that they do not become too strong for you to be able to handle. A little bit here, a little bit there, then a little bit more here and there—this is how it is working.
But there will come a time, and it is coming very shortly here, where you will receive a great influx of energy, and it will be okay in that time, because you will have acclimated enough to the energies to be able to handle them. But it is coming. We’re just forewarning you here.
Hello. Is that the Great Solar Flash that you were referring to, or something like that?
: We would like to say that it is, but no, not just yet. For the planet, those here on the planet are not ready for that yet. That would cause many to leave their physical forms if it were to occur now, and that is not the plan here. But it is coming. And there are influxes of energies that are going to be coming in more and more, leading to the Great Solar Flash. Okay?
: Thank you.
: Yes. Would there be other questions here? No further questions? Very good. Then we are done. We will take your e-mail questions, and then we will let the channel go here. Your e-mail question, if you would?
: Yes. The first question is, “Will some Starseeds become ascended before the Flash?’
: The question actually is, ‘Will they become Ascended Master before the Flash. And we would say here that you are all in process of this now as we speak here. It is all part of the program. It is the program to assist you in becoming exactly that, the Ascended Ones. Just as we are the Ascended Ones, you are becoming the Ascended Ones. And when you are those Ascended Ones, you will then be able to assist others that are coming after you, just as we are assisting you. That is the plan here.
We are ready for your next question.
Okay. This question is, “According to Cobra, is the Chimera group close to being defeated?’
: In a word, yes. They are very close now to being completely taken out of the picture, we will say. For they have had sway here long enough to continue to hold their control and continue their dark nefarious ways here, and that is not to be allowed much longer. So they are in process. Those of the Alliance, those of the Resistance Force, that Cobra speaks about, all one in the same here we will say, they are in process of removing much of the detriment that is holding back the ascension of man. Okay?