Anyone have that screenshot of the Q drop that happened right after someone posted Gay Porn?
Post it for concernfag here.
Anyone have that screenshot of the Q drop that happened right after someone posted Gay Porn?
Post it for concernfag here.
1 John 5:19, Anon.
"The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."
So. yes, everything is tainted by Satan.
Good Idea, why don't you start by holding your breath for an hour?
Who is afraid? All will be revealed, as you say. God is patient, as we should be.
Is there any anime that DOESN'T look quite young?
I dunno, maybe I've just seen the wrong anime.
Eye bleach for the poor Anons.
I would like to see the wrath of anon
Kek Treck II: The Wrath of Anon