Yeah, it's pretty unreal with the bullshit excuses they give for Covid vax deaths
"falling asleep with the TV on" is my favorite
>The look on his face
that's a great clip
nancy had too many vodka shots before the TV interview, or maybe not enough cocaine
There used to be a hole in the Ozone Layer too
Same shit-scam hoax, different decade
throw some NWO politicians in that fire, please
All the climate change ideas they trot our are just new ways to grift and launder vast sums of money world wide
I see that the NWO shift now is on stopping people eating meat: force them to eat bugs
The farmers in Germany and the Netherlands are fighting this very same NWO shit
We are being attacked from all sides the last few years with these covid/climate scams
>call it a burger?
It's a mealworm burger, Gunny
Looks tasty! yummy!
Coming to a mess-hall near you soon
They are naming it SADS, sudden adult death syndrome
It will be blamed on everything except the Covid vax poison juice
The vax is killing heaps of youngsters in their 20's thru 40's, usually the most productive age groups/those starting a family
>It was pushed, "running out of oil"
I remember that: "Peak Oil"
create scarcity and jack up fuel prices!
just like what they are doing now to the gas prices in the US and elsewhere
>same with food prices now too
>Touching oneโs penis constantly is a huge red flag.
President Johnson used to fondle himself constantly, even when he was at the Presidential podium giving speeches
He called his penis: Jumbo
>true story
>His father is a pedo
The entire Biden Clan are disgusting incestuous degenerates
Hunter is still dicking his niece and God knows what PedoJoe is up to behind closed doors