Stop eating meat!
Start eating the bugs!
Do it for Greta, one bug at a time!
Stop eating meat!
Start eating the bugs!
Do it for Greta, one bug at a time!
demoralisation gif shill, fuck you!
your gif shittery is pretty amateur
smarten up if you wanna compete with the professional shills in here, you dumb nigger
>a special-ed kid
Greta is retarded because her Momma liked a drink or two or three during pregnancy
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
As you say, she has been taken advantage of and is one of the Soros useful Marxist idiots
Nicole Kidman comes from a very creepy family
Her father "suicided" in very suspicious circumstances
Nothing to do with the fact he was a satan worshipping pedo mk ultra groomer of course
Naomi Seibt
Yes,she looks better now she is older
Currently fighting Google for removing her YT stuff, trying to raise Euro's
I like her, she has true grit, as well as being an anti-vax neo nazi white supremacist
My kind of gal
Greta is legal now
she probably just needs to discover the cock carousel to cure her climate hysteria