Anonymous ID: 3e1182 July 16, 2022, 2:44 p.m. No.16746572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6793



Yes. it's preferectly normal. that's why there's all of thesehotlinesfor suicide and mental health




Find an LGBTQ+ Center - Over 250 LGBTQ+ centers providing support to their local LGBTQ+ communities

Find a PFLAG Chapter - Support for LGBTQ+ individuals, families, and allies through 400 local chapters

Find a Planned Parenthood Health Center - Health centers are open to people of all gender identities/sexual orientations and offer STD testing, birth control, physical exams, other sexual and reproductive health services & referrals

imi guide - Digital tool built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help you explore your identities & support your mental health




Emergency: Call 911


Trevor Project - 24/7 suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ+ youth (call, text, chat)

Trans Lifeline - Suicide prevention helpline for trans youth, staffed by trans people (call)

LGBT National Help Center - Talk to LGBT peers directly (call, chat)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 24/7 suicide prevention hotline (call, chat)

National Runaway Switchboard - Crisis intervention and referrals for runaway and homeless youth (call, text, chat, email)

Rape Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) - National sexual assault hotline (call, chat)

National Domestic Violence Hotline - 24/7 domestic violence hotline (call, chat, text)

National Child Abuse Hotline - 24/7 child abuse hotline (call, chat, text)

Sexually Transmitted Disease & HIV/ADIS Information Hotline - Talk to a specialist from CDC to ask about HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, TB, or HIV testing sites (Mon-Fri, 8AM-8PM ET) (call, email)

BlackLine - 24/7 hotline for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences to folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens (call, text)

Desi LGBTQ+ Helpline for South Asians (DeQH) - For South Asian/Desi LGBTQ individuals, family, and friends (Thurs & Sun, 8-10PM ET) (call, email)

Crisis Text Line - 24/7 text-based mental health support and crisis intervention by trained volunteers (text, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp)

Crisis Text Line International (United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland) - 24/7 text-based mental health support and crisis intervention by trained volunteers (text)

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline - Volunteers are available to answer mental health questions, offer support and provide practical next steps (Mon-Fri, 10AM-10PM ET) (call, chat, email)




Note: Q Chat Space cannot confirm that these organizations are LGBTQ+ friendly. Please do your own research and make sure to confirm with the contact person.


Asian Mental Health Collective - Asian, Pacific Islander, and South Asian American (APISAA) therapist directory & resources

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline Online Knowledge & Resource Center - Library of information and answers to most frequently asked questions about mental health

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Resource Library - Directory of mental health organizations and resources

Mental Health America - Mental health information, screening, support, resources, and provider search

Psychology Today - Helpful articles and directory of therapists across the United States

National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network - Directory of queer and trans therapists of color & helpful resources

Latinx Therapists Action Network - A Network of Latinx mental health practitioners honoring and affirming the dignity and healing of migrant communities marginalized by criminalization, detention, and deportation

Latinx Therapy - National directory to find a Latinx therapist

Therapy for Latinx - Latinx mental health provider directory

Open Path Collective - Directory for affordable in-office and online psychotherapy sessions

Going To Therapy As A QTPOC, Without Being Harmed, Erased Or Baffled (Article) >>16746438