i dunno about Eisenhower he did warn us but he was in deep with dulles and ruined mccarthy
teddy roosevelt is also another questionable one
i dunno about Eisenhower he did warn us but he was in deep with dulles and ruined mccarthy
teddy roosevelt is also another questionable one
cuz most of congress is blackmailed even rand prolly
calling out black hats when its not just posturing = 187 or a stern talking to with a gun to your head
royally fucked
thanks shills for showing me a dead baby
you guys are so fucking low lmao
you know youre gonna get the rope too along with brock right ?
hey anons i was just thinking about this
so black hats are being followed by secret service
and erik prince
what if these people are too keep them safe ?
plenty in the cabal want hrc dead
anyone who had strings cut is a liability
they could already be "under arrest" but walking free for the show
why do i feel like the photo will drop when im at work lol
why do i feel like the mafia just went corporate
im still not decided on it but why hasnt it gotten mass mainstream media attention if its a larp to discredit Q ? only vice and chslea hubbel have talked about it
i admit vops founder has questionable behavior but lets see what happens
regardless cemex is dirty
you guys think we will see arrests soon ? or is the public not ready yet ? i feel like we wont see any mass arrests until like july or august
alex jones and co also cover
gov corruption
the cabal
are those all larps too ?
if the whole "you are a drop in time for your bloodline thing" from the rothschild ama is real best thing we could do is raise their kids as good people
that would really fuck with them lmao
dont think so
but i know their kids marrying "normal people" and diluting the bloodline and doing good works would royally piss them off lol