Can we start a 8 ch suicide hotline for the Anons Who can't wait for the plan so they stop shit in the bread
Can we start a 8 ch suicide hotline for the Anons Who can't wait for the plan so they stop shit in the bread
His out going statement:
I've had a good run here, Ive molested so many kids, but Trump is catching up to me and I got to go with my pension thank you very much
This is hardly the place to bring this.
Either handle this yourself with brute force or call the cops. Period
Honey, I already told you last bread. I know you'll trade sex for information and I I have some super classified information but do you have a sister that looks better than you?
I have disagreed with his opinion 1 million times but God bless him and everything he has went through.
He was paralyzed from an accident at a young age, he finished college and went on to be a success, you can't take that away from him.