Asia Argento was the main player going after Weinstein:
"Harvey Weinstein has been accused of sexual harassment or assault by more than 100 women. In early November one of his alleged victims, Asia Argento, shared a Google doc that listed allegations spanning over three decades. To many—probably to most—this feels like an insurmountable amount of affirmation, with many of the testimonies outlining eerily similar scenarios. On top of the sheer weight of these women’s stories, there are numerous reported pieces that have panned out from the sexual-assault allegations, examining alleged techniques of spying, intimidating victims, sabotaging careers and buying silence. These sinister machinations paint a damning picture of a man hell-bent on maintaining his power over and access to vulnerable women, whatever the cost."
Maybe Weinstein was procuring young women (or boys?) for the Clintons.
Clintons are worried Harv is gonna roll on them to save his fat disgusting arse. So plans are worked out to intimidate his accusers.
When last night's Wolfe bombshell got dropped, it was a go signal to implement Arkancide. Accomplishes two things:
1) gets Wolfe & NYT "reporter" out of the news.
2) puts all of Harv's accusers on notice that if they testify, bad things will happen.
Oh yeah, he's a big Obama supporter too.