Be prepared for hints at Pakistan. With Iran taking a bullet for 9/11, that's a BIGLY hint that whatever is going on behind the scenes with Q is making waves in the cabal.
>Black Hats trying to throw last minute curve-balls?
Be prepared for hints at Pakistan. With Iran taking a bullet for 9/11, that's a BIGLY hint that whatever is going on behind the scenes with Q is making waves in the cabal.
>Black Hats trying to throw last minute curve-balls?
Remember Q's message to them?
Cabal knows Q has everything because they're here lurking, guaranteed. How far would a group of people go to protect the system they've relied on for over 100 years? I have no doubts that Iran played a part in 9/11, their men, their plan, their intent but who allowed it? Mossad is supposed to be our eyes and ears in the middle-east as our ally, yet this was missed? Bin Laden just…jet-setting around with no eyes on him? No. They knew and then blamed it on Iraq. Enraged America went to war without a second thought because we trusted Israel.
Much is going to be revealed next week.
Intent. Dirty bomb using U1 material perhaps, kinda up in the air at the moment. Potential to hit US embassy in Jerusalem is high on my list right now.
Disposable. It still represents something though, enough to possibly enrage Americans to go to war again.
Wasn't even aware of who that was before now.
We're rolling back the actions of the cabal like rewinding a clock, I think that's Q's intent, has been since before JFK.
Jones covers Globalists, not the Cabal. World of difference there.