Just over the border from Nogales: a smuggling route for people and contraband into the US forever. Be creative: imagine why people might get themselves killed by being involved in illegal activities. I suspect dehydration is not the cause…
Get your child out of whatever network you suspect: school, sports club, etc, etc. While I hate to say it: if you can extricate your child from the process, he/she will cease to be a target, but some other kid inevitably will.
The inclination of most would be to resort to law enforcement, but your misgivings may be justified. Your home city is a big question mark. Better to protect by removal, if that’s practicable.
She’s pretty
Definitely a remedial meme attack. Like lobbing rocks over a garden wall.
We discussed this 3 breads ago or so. Some of the massed Clowns seemed want to push the line that this news was significant, notwithstanding others countering that Al Qaeda is a fake and gay vis a vis 9/11
That’s before crawling back to his Legos and sucking on the yellow ones
I resemble that remark, anon, and second your emotion. Funny that even demographers seem to ignore us. We are the forgotten ones. For which I am bigly grateful.