>As an attorney, Derrick Bell worked on many civil-rights cases, but his doubts about their impact launched a groundbreaking school of thought.
Well yeah he's going to have a skewed view. The interesting part about the video is the reactions people have to it. Most niggers (not black people, niggers) firmly believe that the USA could not survive without them. Black Americans just want to get on with life, raise kids, and maybe start to assimilate into an AMERICAN culture versus being trapped in some subsaharan bullshit culture.
His video invoked Wakanda in some, the Alienz know weza bess so deyza gon take us da home, other people were like well we'll just take all our inventions and music and go.
And I'm thinking to myself–self, how can we make this happen? Write in a "no take backs" IE no refunds, no returns. I simply could not live with Niggers. If I get too poor to afford rent here (might happen) then I'll take a tent and go inna woods before I'd live in niggerhood. Nope.
My area IS integrated. We got da poos, da Mexicans, blacks, whites, and Arabs. What we don't have is peak nigger which always =high crime. We do not have to pay before we pump and the cops kindly give the niggers a ride BACK to the bus who come out here to panhandle at the grocery.
We aren't having it. Black people are out here to AVOID niggers.
NO one fucking wants to live around this shit. These sheboons have more money on there hair and nails then i spend on groceries. I have sever nigger fatigue.
If the Aliens came and took them I cannot think of a single thing I'd miss about niggers. I'd miss Dave Chappel he's funny af. Maybe we can work a trade, we keep Dave they take Andy Dick or something.