Anonymous ID: a31c31 Part Two July 17, 2022, 4:10 p.m. No.16752825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4268

Who is prominent in law, medicine, entertainment, media, banking, insurance, real estate, finance, government, academia and corporations and can influence and control with racial triangulation, official sounding lies and destroying anyone who points out what they are doing?

Who uses their prominence in all facets of society to disallow anyone to criticize or talk about them negatively?

Who’s lives are more important than everyone else’s in their forced narrative?

Who is always the “victim” no matter what they have done or are doing to others?

Who has the power to ruin lives with weaponized bureaucracy and negative press?

Who makes laws and perverts courts and culture to remain hidden in shadows, attacking any attempt to expose their prominence in all facets of government, business and culture?

Who decided only white nations need diversity?

Who didn’t have a “homeland” until 1954, but had infiltrated all the essential systems of nations all around the world?

Who are the nomadic, destructive people from the ancient world, still speaking the same language and keeping the same laws?


Why do they work so hard to infiltrate and destroy societal order, peace and prosperity?

Why do they toil to trick control, destroy and harm?

Why be so destructive?

Why keep the wisdom our ancient ancestors hidden?

Why send humanity back to stone age to establish rule over the ashes?


The answer is what is easily referred to as “satanism”, though it has had many names over of the millennia. Satan means “adversary”. Satanists are the adversaries of humanity. Satanists want humanity blind to their history, fighting each other and believing absurdities…


…like men can get pregnant, depravity is progress and abortion is good to name but a few.


Our “mainstream” media lies to foment confusion and create an ever worsening narrative of division. The narrative is repeated until the lies become “facts”. The lies are repeated in our schools from where all the experts who appear on the media spring. Anyone refuting the lies is discredited and determined insane by the media and the schools.


The schools produce all the professionals working in the corporations and government. Most of the working people in a targeted nation don’t fully realize they are working toward their own destruction, because of the web of lies that has been spun by trusted sources (media and schools). No one wants to lose a paycheck, so most people adopt a “go with the flow” philosophy that pays the rent feeds the family.


The conjuring of lies and confusion methods used by today’s schools and media have been used throughout our history as well. Almost everything taught about history is false to hide what the Satanists did to acquire power and destroy nations. They have been defeated in the past, but they only scattered and hid until they could infiltrate nations through marriage, business and treachery.


Satanists want a world of depravity, desperation, confusion, fear and death. They enjoy it.

Depravity, desperation, confusion and fear depletes the human mind, scatters thinking and makes humanity weak and easy to manipulate. They manipulated us into believing destruction and death is somehow good for a “progressive" future. Their definition of progress is our self destruction.


Why would they want this?

Anonymous ID: 73e219 July 17, 2022, 7:52 p.m. No.16754268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>16752825 Why would they want this?


All are Lost and none can climb out of the Abyss. God must Lift us Up to get out of this. The Earth is Hell. War is Hell. Life is Hell.