Anonymous ID: f23b25 Part Four July 17, 2022, 4:16 p.m. No.16752869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Their monetary system makes us desperate with debt.

Government writes the laws protecting them and targeting the opposition

Military fight their wars for their benefit

Intelligence Agencies do the dirty work

Courts target one the opposition and protect them and their minions

Law Enforcement follower the orders of the court and some actively attack the opposition.

Media, Social Media, Hollywood, Modeling, High Art and Music influence the masses and push their narrative.

Schools and higher academia push their history and narrative.

Protest groups, enforcing cultural and governmental dogma (the narrative) with violence, threats and harassment.

Medicine that harms more than helps.

Corporations who push the narrative in advertising and only hire those who obey the narrative.

NGO (Non Government Organizations)




SAPs (Senior Administrative Positions)


The larger the civilization the more points of infiltration become available. Over time, they build a network and manipulate information until the people they secretly rule live in a nonsense reality. They hold power by simply knowing the truth of history, technology and the sciences, allowing them to live in a different world.


By deception they do war.


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convince the world he doesn’t exist.


Before you call Satan and Satanism balderdash, ask yourself this: did the media or school convince you to think that?