Anonymous ID: 707c63 July 25, 2022, 5:45 p.m. No.16815049   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I’m giving up on Q because Q gave up on us.


You're down the wrong rabbit hole / mandelbrot set.


Q said we are at war

Q gave us words of inspiration for the storm

Q said disinformation is necessary

Q said mind warfare

Q said only at the precipice

Q said Anarch 1-99

Q said playbook known


*I've basically done a Qclock tying news to drops every day (or just about) for long ass time now…well over a year. They are not anything brilliant or exciting, but they clearly tie to the q drops. You don't have to agree with me, but I think of it as a running proof. Our guys are running hot and non-stop. If they were losing, they'd be in jail or dead, they are not. Which means we are indeed winning.


The American Revolution was how long?

Why should this be any shorter? We are throwing off the chains of a well entrenched and funded enemy….with fucking memes.