The Savior Messiah ID: b6f102 If You Want World Peace, You Must Tell Your Government, Your Boss My Creative Solutions July 18, 2022, 9:37 p.m. No.16760784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0883

If You Want World Peace, You Must Tell Your Government, Your Boss My Creative Solutions


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The only way for world peace is having new unique creative solution.


If you want to save your nation or want to have world peace, then you must tell your government, your boss your God either my creative solutions or my web page because that is the only safe peace option for this world at the moment.


I have shared many unique creative ideas solutions for almost all important problems of this society already.


But it required your action to make it happen in reality because no any super God Deities going to do it for they do not have any motivation.


It is disappointed to see nobody care or even ask any question.


Well, as the current pace, people by people will gone, nation by nation will collapse if not because of the economy then will because of the natural weather.


Do not blame the “sky, god” for hash weather, you must blame yourself for your stupid actions in the past.


Only you can save you by your own actions, do not wait, do not reply on any others !


Best Regard,


The Savior


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Anonymous ID: d69378 July 18, 2022, 10:31 p.m. No.16760883   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The savior strategy

Hey wait a minute… I'm having some deja vu here.

Do you have a crypto address or a bitcoin wallett or an encryption key or a secret moonbase or something that would spice up this otherwise boring thread?