Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, Watches; Dirt:
-Lake Mead feeds Hoover Dam
-Hoover Dam named after J. Edgar Hoover
-J. Edgar Hoover helped create the FBI
-Hoover seems to have abused power - supposedly liked blackmail
-Lake mead is slowly but surely draining
-Power generating dams need water to produce electricity; no water - no power
-Mead can have its letters re-arranged to make Dame, Made, Daem
-Mead backwards is Daem, pronounced Dam/Day-um
-Daem translates to meaning 'permanent' in Persian language
-700, features 'The history of DAEM': A non–profit association created by 700,000 Heures
-Heures is French for hours
-700,000 Heures is partnered with Global Heritage Fund (GHF)
-GHF is 'Transforming Local Communities by Investing in Global Heritage', supported in part by World Bank
-World Bank has 'two ambitious goals': 'End extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prosperity.'
-World Bank lends money to governments, was established in 1944
-World Bank is praised by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
-World Bank is a 'sister organization' to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) according the the CFR
-DAEM Watches produces fine handcrafted watches in Brooklyn, NY
-Jordan Daem - Sales and Operations Manager at Breitling–'beautifully crafted & precise watches'