Anonymous ID: b672c3 July 20, 2022, 6:24 a.m. No.16768170   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cindy Adams and her hubbo Earl Wilson organized parties for hire, introducing the rich to the beautiful,.


In pitching their services the the PR reps Cindy would always add the price for the introduction/dinner party always "includes a mention in Earl's column "


That's Earl, brother.

Anonymous ID: b672c3 July 20, 2022, 7:38 a.m. No.16768468   🗄️.is 🔗kun

satanists love the art, museum, foundation business - for good reason. Art can have any assigned value. An art market can be created overnight in a previously unknown artist like Keith Haring. This makes art/museums antiquities a perfect way to move money around, while, at the same time, promoting inventory or stock-in-trade, art, as a store of long-term value.


A painting is worth what you say it is if you're the Getty Museum, the Hammer, the Broad, the Norval, the Huntington or the whatever-cult-tycoon is pretending philanthropy and laughing at us as we reverently troop through their art gallery front operation. There's another good, valid and unholy reason satanic cult con artists like to use art galleries foundations and museum cover structures as operational fronts.


In the case of art we've been POWERFULLY conditioned never to seriously question art. Anyone who says "my kid could do that- " is culturally defined as an idiot. Only an ignoramus questions art. We’ve been taught this in movies and sitcoms, we've been told a hundred ways, a thousand times: only vulgar and uneducated people criticize art. Philistines. Prudes. Hicks. Yokels. Furthermore, we are taught that art is a specialist area, and if we aren't specialists or insiders, we couldn’t possibly have anything worthwhile to say and we ought keep our crude thoughts to ourselves and our boorish mouths shut around what we don’t understand; because art is sacrosanct; the sacred self-expression of the individual.


Decades of this powerful conditioning allowed Pedosta's fat brother Tony to pose for a multi-page spread in a glitzy DC magazine with his daemonic sculpture of a gilded homosexual torture victim and with pictures of abused children in bizarre ritual locations. ART. The same conditioning protects Marina Abramovic and the crowd of stars” and celebrities" photographed eating an art corpse soaked in honey at an art event. It’s ART. The pedovores are rightfully confident in the powers of our conditioning to protect them that they licensed photos of themselves with forks stuck into the honeyed art corpse to be published in art & fashion magazines, blogs and supermarket tabloids. The honeyed corpse is a gnostic occult ritual.


Why do satanist pedovores parade their pathology in front of us? When we see Tony Pedosta, John “Skippy” Pedosta’s brother's sculpture we do not understand consciously what we are seeing is a gold leaf covered model Dahmer’s homosexual torture victim. What effect does seeing something we don’t consciously understand or necessarily recall having seen have on us?


A lot. This is the “secret” of the effectiveness subliminal and subsonic embed programming. Words and images we don’t know that we’ve seen are perceived by the unconscious component of our minds. We know this because tests using subliminal embeds not consciously seen still raises our blood pressure, increases our pulse rate, and fMRI studies show that these unperceived influences activate portions of the brain associated with memory and emotional trauma. We do understand sex and death images unconsciously and traumatic images are retained in memory below the threshold of conscious awareness to influence our future behavior over time. Images of sex and violence in unconscious memory affect us like PTSD caused by real world exposure to rape, torture, child pornography or physical trauma.

Information War or IW operations target the unconscious mind. This “witchcraft” works best when we are not aware of images we’ve been exposed to subliminally or even that we are being targeted at all.

Sculpture of Dahmer’s torture victim is presented at galleries and in publicity as fashionable, highly sought after, rare and precious work collected by knowledgeable, prominent people like Tony and John Podesta.

satanist’s social subversion/sabotage operations exploit our strongest social conditioning. Art world institutions, galleries and foundations are trumpeted as the highest form of philanthropy and criticizing them is not just foolish it’s ungrateful. Art is a satanist controlled industrial market. Since the days of Bernard Berenson art has been used to create and launder money to authenticate forgeries and to smuggle antiquities. Big art shows and exposition are used to emotionally prime us for coming events, to predispose individuals and groups to adopt preferred attitudes, practices or behaviors in a multitude of social dimensions; while, at the same, generating enormous profits, tax breaks and (through school outreach programs) providing access to children.

Anonymous ID: b672c3 July 20, 2022, 7:50 a.m. No.16768521   🗄️.is 🔗kun



the uplifting, spiritually oriented musical is (still) seeking new investors. A mystery, normally greedy Broadway investors would be filling our garbage bags with fiat. Too controversial? The musical theater thrives on it! Look at CATS!


The Book (or libretto)


This musical tells the story of how Dr, Sidney Gottlieb of CIA technical services ran a tippy top secret, multi-hundred million dollar, highly compartmentalized, covert, distributed research program on the scale of the Manhattan project (with equivalent priority) and survived the charade of the Church committee to get away as clean as Doc Benway.


Sid Gottlieb’s MK Ultra program and 100s of sub programs focused on human neurological control systems. More than 200 universities engaged in this research. No single institution, hospital, university or commercial lab saw more than a tiny part of the puzzle.


Doc Sid was looking for a hack, a backdoor into the human operating system. Gottlieb wanted to know was there a lower level language, a bios, or an assembly code for the mind; how far could humans be programmed, rendered compliant and loyal by manipulation of Information Inputs and what were the constraints on control?


Sid G wanted control over what we as human individuals and We the People thought, felt, understood and willed – or were capable of doing. Ugly and evil thoughts pulsed in the Gottlieb head, and his effort to create a zombie or golem required C_A to take ruthless and illegal actions which "we were fighting the damn commies back then" cannot and do not excuse.


Doc Sid Gottlieb ran the multitude of university, hospital and prison MK U research programs which made up the MK Ultra group of programs which produced the pedophile gangster Whitey Bulger, the occultist musician Charles Manson and many other assassins; introducing them (and thousands more experimental ‘subjects’) to the use of LSD.


Gottlieb and C_A collaborated military intelligence and the LSD amped program Gottlieb ran at the US Marine base in Atsugi, Japan, is where a young Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald was likely first exposed to LSD as a part of Gottlieb's MK research program. Charles Joseph Whitman, the first mass shooter, was also a former Marine and may have been MK’d and programmed in the service.


Sid Gottlieb, head "chemical section" of Allan Dulles' CIA technical services directorate, was into some dark technologies, trying to get on terms with trans dimensional entities, cracking heads and frying experimental subjects’ brains with drugs, trauma, hypnosis.


Gottlieb wanted more and better control over individuals and groups. A full function zombie with limited autonomy and a happy, unquestioning disposition.


Sugar growers in Florida in the 50s used lurching brain damaged zombies created by Haitian bokors for labor in the cane fields, but the Bokors methods (described by Wade Davis’ in The Serpent and the Rainbow, BOOK not movie) - the Bokor's methods caused substantial brain damage and the zombie's functions were/are limited to brute repetitive labor.


Gottlieb wanted to create light stepping, autonomous, high functioning griffon zombies suitable sex slaves who could do complex creative work and who would offer up their own children for sex, ritual and sacrifice.


[For Investors Only! FIO]


Our story or "book" as we say in musical theater, continues:


The MK program revealed to the Church committee and a later Senate committee was carefully selected to mislead the American people about the nature and scope of the MKU program and its ultimate objective: total social control. The entire MKU research project was compartmentalized; by design, individual research ‘modules’ were assigned to 100s of prestigious university and institutional contract labs.


MK research work was done parallel rather than serially or sequentially. When the time came, the largest and most sinister mind and social control research program in history became the biggest ‘managed leak’ in C_A diversion and cover-up history.


Doc Sid Gottlieb is usually portrayed as a sinister goofball with a pocket full of impractical lethal technological gizmos. A historical curiosity, part of the agencies troubled adolescence, an archaic relic of a polarized world where exploding cigars and beard depilatories were clutched as solutions to otherwise intractable problems. Catnip for reporters.


Now comes our finale, MK Ultra fueled insanity, burning the cities extravaganza,


A senatorial committee declares MK Ultra a bad thing, C_A promises no more demonic harmonics and assorted puppets and NPCs take bows in a salute their own integrity.


That’s the end dot dot dot


‘’’(Or is it?)’’’


This could be the big score we've been waiting for. - .Tapette Dude