LGTH ID: 71ac49 July 20, 2022, 9:07 a.m. No.16768859   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>society used to be matrilineal


This type of society fails to develop itself. It can work in part for parasitical people.. reliant on others to build societies, but no great civilisation was matrilineal.


Restricting the sexual behaviour of a population has benefits, not least of which it can direct itself to matters other than those of the flesh.


Everyone else acting obsessed with the flesh, and without the structure of family and patrimony is what the cabal wants "common folk" to embrace. Because it makes them controllable fools.


A family led by a father can fight back and grow a shield around his community and family. Mentally.. Physically.

LGTH ID: 71ac49 July 20, 2022, 9:22 a.m. No.16768933   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>All gov't power is fascist, and fascists climb the gov't ladders to increase fascism.


Respectfully you do not have a clue what fascism is.


Fascism is a form of ultra-nationalism. Where the nation represents the living folk of the nation (not an abstract thing.. not merely a land border).


It amounts basically to dedication to one's own people, civilisation & culture.


So it seeks to deal directly with the enemies of the people, and the weaknesses present in society that can be exploited by its enemies, but other than that exists only to serve the interests of the people.


It's primary reason for existence and orientation is protecting the people from INTERNAL & EXTERNAL HARM at the hands of traitors and enemies.


This is the absolute opposite of the current regimes governing the West, and those that have governed the West since early last century if not before.


Modern Western governments are 100% anti-patriotic and AT WAR WITH the people, to have them displaced, replaced, dispossessed and destroyed. Handing society over to FOREIGN peoples in the process.


The word you are looking for is totalitarian, not fascist. The current government is totalitarian, Jewish, anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-natalist, and anti-human… not fascist.


They are the exact people, type and forces that fascists align themselves against.


Libertarianism & capitalism (unbounded by fascism), ALLOW the enemies of the people to harm them, communism actively enslaves the people, fascism opposes both communism and libertarianism as both cause the defeat and enslavement of the people.


It does though favour liberty, but BOUNDED liberty, where the boundary is drawn at treason. (While liberalism and unbounded capitalism allow treason absolutely).

LGTH ID: 71ac49 July 20, 2022, 9:46 a.m. No.16769052   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Unity with others in the form of "not seeing difference" & not "protecting one's own interest" simply sees the group adopting such a policy destroyed and taken advantage of.


(And of course this makes anyone that promotes it an enemy of the people, not a friend, as describes you. Enemy not ally).


Respectful separation, with unity around facing a mutual enemy and items of mutual benefit is smarter.


Take two families living side by side, of the same race & religion. Unity in the forms of forming a mutual defence against outside racial alien intruders looking to do harm… NOT unity regarding coming into the neighbours home and fucking his wife.


Unity around White Nationalism is the former.

Unity without conditions looking out for one's own interests is the latter.

LGTH ID: 71ac49 July 20, 2022, 10 a.m. No.16769114   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A racist can be a good person or bad..


..but an anti-racist cannot be good.


For by abdicating their responsibility to their own kind (to put them first), they create an unbalanced situation where other people - acting in THEIR own interests - take advantage of their people.


If two people lean their backs up against each other, both can stay upright, each force balancing the other. When one decides they will go with the other's force.. they are brought down.


Forces must balance. A side not balancing the force of others WITH PUSHBACK (i.e. racism), will be destroyed.

LGTH ID: 71ac49 July 20, 2022, 10:07 a.m. No.16769146   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So wrong Anon (leaving aside the ridiculous inclusions), as we have gotten more of those things, life has gotten much worse, and the majority folk of the nation have been put on a highway to dispossession, loss of self-determination and loss of biological existence.


Idolising the ancient savage (as stand-in for the garden of eden) is the business of progressives. Empty headed people who live in fantasy, not reality.


In reality life was brutish and hard, and didn't progress to higher forms until AFTER restrictions on the things you mention came around.


We have to get off the rock before the sun explodes - remaining as if we were animals is not then, an answer. Forms that develop FURTHER are required.

LGTH ID: 71ac49 July 20, 2022, 10:24 a.m. No.16769247   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What a "Jew" is today, and what is meant by the word, is not what a Jew was then.


Jew today, properly understood (i.e. translated out of mainstream moron into WHO the word actually refers to today).. means Pharisee. A modern Jew, is a person from the religious-racial cult of the Talmud. The Pharisees.


And Jesus was not a Pharisee. He fought them.


Jesus was not of the Pharisee sect, but all Jews today are.


Pharisees are "of their father the devil". Which describes modern Jews. Jesus is not so described.

LGTH ID: 71ac49 July 20, 2022, 10:42 a.m. No.16769333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is important to establish why Whites must get Jews out of power and out of White societies too.


It is NOT because ALL Jews are evil.

There can be good Jews as well as bad, but the good ones are very rare. Jewish genes do not make it impossible to be good, but Jewish genes AND culture make it very UNLIKELY a Jew will be good.


(Good = not harmful to Whites and not naturally orientated in such a way that (at a minimum) it does indirect harm to Whites).


Jews need to be combatted as a group, and as a monolith (with no living Jew trusted), since they are the group with the greatest alignment to the "Cabal" and its projects, and are a necessary driving force for them. As a whole the cabal project is a Jewish project.


If Jews are not treated as a group (and expelled from power and future access to it entirely), they provide the vehicle for the cabal to reform, as they have a natural inclination to the cabal's plans. (The cabal is anti-White & anti-Christian, as is Jewry & Judaism).


Like the doctrine of Islam, Judaism is successful at conquering. Where one side uses force, the other uses subversion. Neither can exist in a White society as a body of people, without progressing their own interests. If they are present, they will advocate for their projects.. and their projects are not in our interests (creating a global caliphate/enslaving the goyim, eliminating Whites & Christians).


So the matter is beyond hate, or feeling. The necessity to treat Jews as a monolith does not arise because they are a monolith, but because they harm they deliver is certain, if they are not treated as a monolith.


There is ZERO obligation on a people, to treat people not of their own tribe, as Jews are not, as people with equal rights to the people that are.


Even if Jews that remained were actually good.. their children would be Jews… who could then be reached by "bad" Jews from afar, and converted to their cause. Putting societies free of their bad Jews, back on the path to being dominated by them.


An answer can be: "it is not you, it is us… we cannot survive your presence and keep our rights and culture.. so you have to go… YOU have PROVEN TO US throughout history that this is so… and we are through risking our existence to extend rights to you that we have no honest obligation to".