Jews are such degenerate people. So attached to their modus operandi.
Each society is free to choose its own rules, at the behest of its people (should they have the power to impose their will).
This can be to ban pornography or accept it.
Or to limit it.
Limits can range from a complete ban, to limits on content allowed, access and so on.
Decent & moral Aryan men (& Aryan women), with intact families and daughters, (& who want the best life outcomes for their sons) are probably going to err more on the side of restrictions.
Other people somewhere else.
If we look at subgroups in our society, those that frown on pornography: i.e. devout Christians, Mennonites etc, have healthy birthrates. The groups that champion pornography, and access it regularly tend not to.
Who is best listened to? The people setting a good example, and living in health, or those who are not?
I don't doubt in Weimar Germany there are those that thought families should have the right to sell their children too.
And as for the Jewish commentator last bread that referenced taxation post Weimar in National Socialist Germany… all economic indicators in terms of employment, household earnings, and GDP (growth) were higher in Germany, than USA, and the tax burden was LOWER than in USA also.
Germany got itself out of the great depression, in advance of its Western cousins.
And the freedom to live in a society that wasn't totally fucked and degenerate was worth it to the citizens had just lived through a period of what "jewish" ruled freedom to be degenerate was like.
And the rest of the White world, is getting the same way too. MORE THAN READY to throw off the freedoms Jews desire, like the freedom to have niggers fucking shiksas on the internet, in return for societies that better look after their needs and the most important of freedoms a people can possess. Not living in a fucked up society that harms their kids.