I don't want to save this planet anymore.
Be with evil, I don't care anymore.
–you want it to prove me that you right and I am wrong???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
fuck you!
you know what i will do??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
please, tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will go away from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know why???????????????
b/c you hurt me!
and even that i was wrong……………. you should help me, b/c I took the pain, and even if i was wrong, you should respect my pain, and help me fix it…………………………but no………………………..you punished me, and put a criminal president………….that is satanist, part of killing babies, and rape kids…………………………………………………………..so……………………………….even that they are idiots…………………………. you are evil.