The Demonic Origins of Planned Parenthood, Part II: Channeling Dark Spirits, Sacrificing Children
Margaret Sanger Was Sexualized as a Child
Schwab writes:
The child of a poor, socialist rabble-rouser, Margaret later described her father’s radicalism as “the spring from which [she] drank”. Those bitter waters surely filled her and possessed her— Sanger related an abnormal experience she recalled having with him when she was only nine years old. Margaret, sick with typhoid and barely conscious, awoke to find him pressed against her in bed. She described a sense of falling that accompanied the event and labeled it as her first “sex awakening.” This was her initiation into the realm of weird and desperate perverts.
The Greek word for sorcery or witchcraft throughout the Bible is pharmakea. This is also the term used in ancient literature for abortifacient. There is, then, a direct Scriptural connection between sorcery and abortion. Considering the occultic backdrop of Baal and Molech worship and their sacrificial elements, the parallels made between abortion and child sacrifice should not be surprising. What I do find surprising is that there seems to be no awareness that Planned Parenthood is an occultic organization, and its founder Margaret Sanger, was the proxy of a sex-magic sorcerer.