Anonymous ID: 6d1436 Jan. 13, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.38281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Someone asked whether the images on the link are the same ones in the Bulk Image Archive by Date. Yes they are, for the most part. A detailed answer follows:




// A T T E N T I O N !!!




NEW! Image archive!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg


There you can preview images sorted by category before downloading, download single images, folders, or all.

Try it; you'll like it!


Which images are these? >>36745 (You)

The 6000+ files archived on the cloud start at /cbts/ memes #1 from November 25, and continue through /cbts/ memes #5A on December 28th. There was a period of time with no harvesting, then intermittent harvesting resumed when Anons moved to /thestorm/.

Whenever Harvester was working, they named the images with searchable keywords. Over the past week or so, they began grouping the images by searching through the entire local archive for keywords. The result is the folders you see on the cloud site.

In addition to the 6,358 images currently being uploaded to this Image Library folder, further images will soon be uploaded too. These are:

→ 1098 images in 22 folders are not yet designated for upload because they appear to be lower priority topics. They will be uploaded in due course.

→ And 2083 additional files from /cbts/ between 11/25 - /thestorm/ 12/28 that have not been categorized, lack keyword labels, or don't appear relevant to current categories. These will also be uploaded, eventually.


Q: What is the status of harvesting currently?

A: It is not being done on any sort of regular or rigorous basis.