Anonymous ID: d1cfd6 Jan. 11, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.22876   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Any images that are here are for meme-droppers' use. Not all of them are good or effective … you need to evaluate them and select the ones that will work in your context, for your target audience. Thank you, and good luck!

Anonymous ID: d1cfd6 Jan. 11, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.22899   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The image is good. Technical fFeedback: next time, save the .jpeg image with a little compression. A quality setting of 90% will look exactly the same, and the file will be a lot smaller. Modest-size files are more likely to be distributed than gigantic ones...

Anonymous ID: d1cfd6 Jan. 11, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.23059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3092


Anon, the first two images are nice for encouraging the anons here on the chan. But they are not memes for distributing outside of here, because the intended audience is the anons, not normies. Just something to keep in mind.

Anonymous ID: d1cfd6 Jan. 11, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.23096   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Added >>23044 to redpill tactics. Everybody please read it and take the time to put yourself into the other person's shoes so you will learn the most effective way to gradually persuade them.


Also please read >>18135

The Secret to More Effective Memes.

Anonymous ID: d1cfd6 Jan. 11, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.23105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That'll be the day. When anons can stop working 24x7 and sleeping 4 hours a night, and take a little breather and look back with satisfaction on what has transpired.

Thank you for your many contributions, Anon.

Anonymous ID: d1cfd6 Jan. 11, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.23432   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How would you feel, Anon, about making a list of images (by post number) arranged in sequence according to your suggested redpilling program? You could select the images that seem to you the most appropriate and suitable for the normie audience. A really concrete deliverable that would help your fellow anons immensely?

Alternatively, you could make a list of images (by post number) that will most successfully deliver the message.


As librarian I don't even have time to make any memes myself, and I don't have time to evaluate them either, other than trying to prune out duplicates, profanity, abuse, wrong audience, and over-large or unreadable ones. I have my hands full!

Your experience using memes on social media would be most helpful in evaluating which ones are most effective, and training other anons to improve their redpilling skills.

Anonymous ID: d1cfd6 Jan. 11, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.24086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5153 >>2397

Anon, You should delete the name and email address before you post. Otherwise you may endanger yourself. Please read the board rules. >>3138 This is for your safety. Some not-very-nice people troll this board looking for victims. You may want to delete your post and do it again without the identifying information.

The updated images are fine. It is not necessary to post multiple sizes next time.