Anonymous ID: f66939 Image Library Jan. 10, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.16771   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7239 >>7787 >>8135 >>3096 >>5679 >>7100 >>0472 >>0674

Memes + other important images

For redpilling normies


Meme makers: Deposit artwork here or on the General.

Meme droppers: Get images here and spread to various social media.


Zip files of the images sorted by date are here→ >>6735

Zip files sorted by category are here→ >>417

Basic computing hygiene: Zip files downloaded from us or anybody else should always be scanned with a virus scanner, and discarded if unsafe.


To download an individual image from this board, click the thumbnail to open a fullsize image. Then right click the fullsize image to download it.


We prefer .jpeg .jpg images because of smaller file size than .png. After you create your image, choose "Save as" and select the .jpeg filetype. .jpegs can be saved with a 90% quality setting without significant loss of fidelity. This reduces the file size.


A typical image should be about 1500-2000 pixels wide. 300-pixel-wide thumbnail images are too small. 4000 pixel images are too large except or very large posters. The filesize should usually be <1Mb.


The text should be readable. If you can't read it, neither can anybody else. Please spell-check your text.


Advice for meme makers and meme droppers >>1150

Redpill Tactics >>1180



Guerilla Twitter Tactics

>>>/cbts/12832 Excellent tutorial from an Anon who works Twitter to the max. Recommended!

>>>/cbts/123647 Pepe the Frog may ban you from Twitter – our Truth symbol considered "hate symbol"!



Memes #1 >>>/cbts/2

#2 >>>/cbts/61078

#3 >>>/cbts/107604

#4 >>>/cbts/142207

#5 >>>/cbts/189835

#6 >>>/thestorm/7090

#7 >>387


Infographs >>>/cbts/10

Anonymous ID: f66939 Jan. 10, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.17023   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7787

The following image archive topics culled from previous boards can be found on Image Library #7 >>387 starting at post >>13248 :




Afghanistan CIA Poppies


Argentine Submarine

Assange (Julian) - Wikileaks

Astana Kazakhstan

Atlanta Airport incident

Bannon (Steve)

Bernie Sanders


Biden (Joe)

Bill of Rights - Human Rights - EO

BIS - Fed - Banks

Black Community

Blackmail 3

Blackmail - Epstein - Orgy Isl - Lolita Express



Bohemian Grove

Boot - Ankle Monitor

Canada - Trudeau

Cargo Containers - Trafficking

Cartoons - Garrison



Children - Missing - Abductions

Chrissy Teigen - John Legend


Clinton Foundation

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - Awan scandal

Deep State - 7th Floor - Shadow Gov

Dems - Libs - ShareBlue - FusionGPS - Seth Rich


Drain the Swamp

Election Rigging

Expand Your Thinking

Eye - Black Eye - of Illuminati-Ra-Horus - Pineal Gland

Fake News - MSM - CNN - Mockingbird

FBI Corruption - McCabe - Fake Dossier


Gannett - Tegna


Globalist - Control Pyramid - NWO - Cabal

God - Christ - Jesus - Love - Pray


Hollywood - Sex Abuse - Weinstein + others

Huma Abedin - Muslim Brotherhood

Human Parts - Cannibal - DNA - Fetal Flavor - Organs

Human Rights - Child+Human Trafficking

Indictments - Trials - Sedition - Martial Law

Infographs - Diagrams

Iran - Protests

Islam - ISIS

Jarrett (Valerie)

Jerusalem embassy

Jobs - Employment

Loop Capital

Lynch (Loretta)

Maxine Waters

McCain (John)

Mind Control - TV - MK-ULTRA - Control - Monarch


Mueller - Investigation

Munk (Peter) - Barrick Gold

North Korea - Kim - Nukes

NRO Satellite Reconaissance

Obama (Barrack Hussein)

Obama (Michelle)

