February 4, 2017 / Joseph P. Farrell
… So, I am wondering, and probably you are too, why the Manhattan District Attorney is "poking around" a "case" - if one can call it that - that is fifty-two years old? I say "case" because no official finding of murder was ever involved, so it's not even in a cold case file. So again, why "poke around" 52 years later? The article would have us believe that the Manhattan DA's office is responding to a certain amount of pressure. Pause and consider that one for a moment: in one of the busiest legal jurisdictions in the country, with real crimes to investigate and adjudicate, with the perpetual problem of not enough investigators and too many crimes, would Ms. Kilgallen's death be a matter for poking around? On top of this, I don't recall seeing in any lamestream corporate controlled media, nor in any free and independent media, any stories of a sudden groundswell of pressure to investigate Ms. Kilgallen's death. We're being asked to believe that this is because a staffer read a recent book about the subject.
In short, this is coming out of nowhere, and I strongly suspect that the idea of a request to examine the "case" is a cover for something far different.
So the question is why? And herewith my high octane speculation of the day. One possibility is that someone wants to send a message. What's the message? "We know something about this, and could reveal it and make it a real case." And that implies that there are people in positions of power that are connected to "what Ms. Kilgallen was investigating" shortly before her untimely death that would probably still not prefer that story to be told. In short, I suspect this is a use of a "control file"…