Anonymous ID: 564a5b June 9, 2018, 4:26 a.m. No.1677330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7337 >>7339 >>7347


99% chance this is real? SERIOUSLY?

More like 99.9 % chance it is not Q, FFS


Q ONLY posts with a tripcode

( why, because shills and clowns and idiots were posting crap and signing it with a Q last Nov)


Q has his own board ( only he can post on it)

He has that board so if he has to change tripcodes, he can, and new tripcode is good, because he changed/posted it on his personl board, which only Q has access to.


Why would Q start posting with a stupid wavy mark next to a Q without a tripcode?



Q would not do that to sow confusion( but a fucking shill would)


Regardless of how legit it seems.


I could easily write up posts that sounded Q like,, would not be hard, ( better ones then those ones, kek)


Also the part about Q posted without a tripcode for security reasons? THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE EITHER, KEK

Anonymous ID: 564a5b June 9, 2018, 4:38 a.m. No.1677377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7926


Q posts with a tripcode, to prove it is Q


Without it, anyone could post and pretend to be Q, Lynn, Obama, ANYONE.


Q can change his trip on his board if needed.


Yes the fake Q crumbs seem enticing, but as i said i could write up fake Q posts just as good sounding, as could over half the Autists here.


We have had helper anons, who help point us in right direction in some of our digs.

They never post/ nor pretend to be Q.


Many, many shills have tried. And they pull crap to cause confusion everytime Q is on a break.


Not sure how long you have been on this board.


But anons who have been here since the beginning know better/






chaos from NEWFAGS who don't understand about his private board and tripcodes.

Anonymous ID: 564a5b June 9, 2018, 4:54 a.m. No.1677427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7438 >>7457

I was curious, do any anons here know of the a good website that might list who are the good republicans to vote for in the primary?


In some races, both canidates proclaim they support Trump.

Is there a list of Good/alliance/patriot candidates in various states with primary yet to occur.

Anonymous ID: 564a5b June 9, 2018, 5:36 a.m. No.1677601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7616 >>7670




What is funny will be the irony.


All of us were abused, used and victmized by the cabal( from the time you were born, and they first inject that poison into you( vaccines)

Not to mention all the damage you suffered before you were born( poisons in foods that affected your mother)

I'm using poison as a general term for everything they have done(livestocks, seeds, grain, chemicals,hormones,vacines, genetic manipulations, air, water, etc)


so therefore, in a way, everyone counts as a victim.

The worst victims ofcourse, are those they tortured abused, manipulated,blackmailed,human trafficked, slavery, etc by the cabal.


Those same people pushed and caused the divisions between people( race, gender,religion,political), as a way to divide, control, and cause more chaos, more frustration.

Then they added more laws, more rules, more red tape in everyones daily lives. In order to keep pushing people( into a state of constant frustation/unhappiness) while pushing leisure activities that further instill control( tv, movies,sports,music,) as rewards to make you happy.


Instead of striving to become a stronger more independent person in real life, which gives you a sense of pride, of accomplishment.( you instead live through the lives of others in movies & books)

Becoming self reliant becomes a more frustrating obstacle when they construct society/daily life with hassles and bullshit, that slowly would piss off and depress any normal person.

Stupid rules, and laws, fees on everything.


Which is why more people are staying at home with parents longer.

A young person, late teens early 20's, it is almost impossible to work and make enough to afford living in even a small shitty apartment no days. Unless you live on cheap meals, and are quite frugal( just enough to pay the bills)

Same reason why there is skyrocketing homeless problems, because of crazy high rental prices. ( especially in Cali)


They have been slowly rigging the system, so independence becomes impossible, so people have to reply on them.


Then when you start feeling overwhelmed( by the bullshit)

Then they start telling people your depressed and have chemical imbalance( trying to medicate everyone, to further gain control)


That your chemical imbalance is the reason, not their bullshit, kek


We will be taking back our freedom, and our power, by exposing them, by people knowing the TRUTH.


How they twisted and used victims for their own evil purpose, and as a way to weaken people all across society, in order to further their control.

Anonymous ID: 564a5b June 9, 2018, 5:52 a.m. No.1677652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7665 >>7668 >>7724


I noticed that too.

I thought maybe it was because some anons were giving the ClockFags a hard time past few days.


So when i saw the post about fake Q and the clocks,, i thought maybe it was one of the clock fags, desperate to provef that Q approved of their clock, kek

Trying to make it look good, so they can say to other anons, SEE, KEK


The way you impress us with the clock, is for it to be accurate or work atleast half ass( while a few things have matched up, most has not)

And for real Q to confirm.

Anonymous ID: 564a5b June 9, 2018, 6:01 a.m. No.1677690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7759


i mentioned yesterday about an idea.


We have 111 day markers. Anons talked before about 110 day marker, and then Q said clock moved forward.

And anons have also talked about 112 and 113.


i was wondering if that could be incorporated into the Q clock, ( an outer/inner wheel)

or the basis for another clock.


110, 111, 112, 113


what if the markers move up as time passes. Maybe one for 114 or 115 is possible?


i was thinking a few different ideas like that.


Not sure how to visualize them, kek

Anonymous ID: 564a5b June 9, 2018, 6:11 a.m. No.1677747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7755 >>7758 >>7761 >>7766 >>7868

saw this interesting picture.


Think its a signal to people to keep their mouth shut?

Women in the cabal hold power.

Little girl seems to be exuberating. power over prince( who is 3rd in line)


Picture caption reads


Oi you two! Prince William gives a stern look as Savannah Phillips (daughter of Peter and Autumn Phillips) covers Prince George of Cambridge's mouth during the National Anthem



Anonymous ID: 564a5b June 9, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.1677793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7936

BREAKING NEWS: French prosecutor reveals tragic celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain hung himself with a bathrobe belt in Kaysersberg hotel

