Anonymous ID: a9748f June 9, 2018, 6:40 a.m. No.1677862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7867 >>7885


Ok, I posted some pics late last night but I did a lot more digging and I believe NXIVM is associated with 911. I believe that NXIVM technology was used to at least cover up or disguise what truly happened n 911. The following is my thoughts and how I came to this conclusion:


NXIVM what is the meaning?

First I determined that these letters could be Roman Numerals, but the letter N is not a Roman Numeral. However, the letter I and V together is N. So taking that assumption NXIVM = IVXIVM in Roman Numerals. So now I took those Roman Numerals and converted it to a Number and I was Shocked at what the number is. In the table pic add the I + V or, 1+5 = 6, the rest you should understand. They are Mocking 911. It’s a mirror or 611 (June 11). Once I saw the number I started to Dig on the Founder Keith Raniere to figure out why he is associated with this number.


Raniere holds 147 international patents, including 47 in the United States, in a variety of technical fields. He earned degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in mathematics, biology and physics, with minors in philosophy and psychology, and an expertise in computer science. Now that’s a lot and I believe makes him an expert with Mind Manipulation, Implantable MicroChips, Vehicle Control, Communication Manipulation (And that is Direct Communication Manipulation from Live Feed to Original Source). With that what I am saying is I think some of his patent technology can be used to Change the original source image instantaneously from Video Camera and film rolls. Also his patent applications include technology to locate and mobile communication devices. You will see when you start researching all of his patents. Below is a few of his patents applications. Link also provided, more IT Fags needed to assess. He has many other patents which to me look like technology to manipulate live events and audio, vehicle control etc.



Abstract: Disclosed herein is a method for managing a location of at least one object. The method includes affixing an RFID tag on an object, providing a communication structure on the RFID tag, providing a device capable of communicating with the communication structure of the RFID tag when the RFID tag, determining, by the device, a range of the object based on signal levels from the RFID tag and displaying, by the device, a signal strength indicator representing the range of the object 

Continuous film and camera and method thereof 
Abstract: A method for continuous wireless transmission of image data through radio waves to an outside picture processing device and continuous capture of images on frames of camera film rolls, said method comprising the steps of providing a camera body, providing an image radio wave converter, providing a radio wave transmission attachment mounted on said camera body for transmitting image data though radio waves to outside picture processing device, providing a camera lens mounted on said camera body for capturing images on frames of camera film rolls, providing a plurality of housing compartments for receiving camera film rolls, and providing a plurality of detachable housing compartment doors operable for simultaneous removal of at least one camera film roll in a non-filming position when images are captured on all frames of the at least one camera film roll, without exposing remaining camera film roll in filming position is provided.

