What’s this shit about the Vatican recalling all their money is there an international bank run going on right now?
Break this shit down for me quick and simple please
What’s this shit about the Vatican recalling all their money is there an international bank run going on right now?
Break this shit down for me quick and simple please
People are saying Tesla only dumped 75% of their Bitcoin just so they’ll have postive cash flow on their earnings
*not financial advice
*internet rumors
Anon is watching Margin Call
Interdasting movie so far.
>Chinese bank runs
>Vatican removes money from foreign banks
>Ireland bank fuckery
>Blackrock lost 1.7 trillion
>Get your cash out of the banks.
I hope everyone doesn’t panic and do that then they’ll probably just run the money printers 24/7 and inflation will really be fucked
>I've been keeping my cash at home for the last two years. There is only enough in the bank to settle the rent and bills.
But if there is a bank run and your neighbors see you’re not like everyone else do you really want to be that guy?
That’s the way I see it and is why I never bothered being a prepper. I’d rather be in the same boat as everyone else and not the guy that everyone hates or knows who has something that everyone else needs.
>Why would you tell your neighbours that you're stocking up on food and keeping your cash in the ceiling???
If you’re hunkered down and not being a nigger like everyone else then they will catch on quick is what I’m saying
>it's interesting that it's thought that when things go south it's immediately bellum omnium contra omnes "the war of all against all" no solidarity, no cooperation
People forget that America is structured from the bottom up
Local government (city,village, town etc)
County government
State government
Federal government
If there ever is a breakdown in society due to economic disasters I’m sure it would be brief and they would restore order.
>I'm stocking beans, chili, corned beef, soup, spaghetti sauce, macaroni.
But do you really want to be the only mick eating the last bit of spaghetti in your Italian neighborhood?
I’m surprised how many of you faggots are inherently stupid and think you can just hoard and live lavishly while others starve around you and not run into problems.
Growing up in the hood teaches you a lot about the haves and the have nots.
If you got something don’t be flashy.