Dude the call station he’s broadcasting is W2QYV.
That seems pretty clear when you read it backward. (:
V = 22 -11-22-1963
Y = “why”
Q = Q
2 = “to”
W = 23 = Bush 41, death
And that string using a1z26 cipher is: 23 2 17 25 22
Forward 23217 = “be 321 Q”
Forward 2522 = “ Be V”
No idea if the “Vincent Kennedy” thing is right or if V is just referring to 22 from the Dallas date, but either way, that’s some pretty obvious wording there.
Also, in Frequency the character Francis “Frank” Sullivan is involved in a “Buxton” fire.
Bux = “books”
Fire has more than one meaning. Can be the flames that consume, can the discharge of a gun.
Dallas school book depository = books “fire” ?
A lot of stuff in that movie.