Depending on whether the pressure is inward or outward, sometimes yawning can work too.
And yet Anons (((and you))) are still here.
Bye bye?
You're stuck in a loop of hello it's me not the jews.
>Should have sent back to States
HAHAHA Q+ trolling [them] because that is exactly what Pence did!
As soon as Pence as VP ACCEPTED TO HEAR the grievances of the states, Arizona was the first state called and was the first state to DISPUTE the election results, THAT WAS ITSELF A MOTION TO SEND IT BACK TO THE STATES FOR INVESTIGATION…..WHICH HAS BEEN ONGOING EVER SINCE OPEN SOURCE INCLUDING THE PUBLIC AS JURY.
Kek, they're contradicting themselves daily.
I know right?
Misinterpreting Q posts and accusing Anons of misinterpreting Q posts.
Anons know the game.
MOS = MeDiA ObJeCt SeRvEr, uh, is a SADcringe attempt to deflect?
"Yeah, tHaT's tHe TiCkEt!"
Going into HIDING.
Dialectic inversion of Satanism dying out.
The flaw in that logic is the inversion of the==source -information -> receiver==logic of communication.
If a person tries to divide themselves from humanity, and utters ontological statements presupposing division pre-engagement, dividing the world by race, by religion, by sex, by class, by political affiliation, THAT SOURCE IS PRESENTING ITSELF as divided FROM the receiver, which in information form towards the receiver is a communication from a "they", not an "us".
Anon believes this is checkmate.
iT iS SoOoOoO iMpOrTaNt tO gEt vAcCinAtEd, iT iS SoOoOoO iMpOrTaNt tO gEt bOoStEd
Potato already fully vaccinated and gets covid, CNN still clings to narrative.
The vaccines are putting people into the hospitals and into the morgues you sick bastards!
>Who are they?
Reinput their lies back into their own inconsistent system. CNN = Enemy of the People
Live by division, die by division.
There would still logically be a single time during which these 'two' time dimensions are being observed.
Time, Anon believes, is what drives the nwo up the wall the most.