Anon opine
To enable the great awakening of humanity, both good and bad events had to occur worldwide.
The first Trump Presidency was to "set the stage" for the transition by eliminating the most dangerous threats of the enemy, cut off their $$ and comms as much as possible, eliminate some top tier bad guys, enact specific EO's, set an election trap, etc.
Most if not all was accomplished quickly, prior to Oct 2017, when the grass roots disclosure op began.
Controlled world events dominated the [fake] news helping set the stage by having the enemy project their own crimes onto Trump. "Think mirror"
Next was the huge election trap. So blantant and obvious so average person understands the lies and cover-up mechanisms of DS govt actors and complicit media but necessary to both capture bad guys and also bring in a "placeholder" to act as POTUS while difficult changes must occur.
The next Presidency [placeholder Faux Joe] would begin the reveal. Through various orchestrated events under white hat control, the public slowly and safely learns difficult truths about the "invisible" control system in place for centuries. Things fall apart (optics) to move us to the precipice so real change can occur and new structure put in place (or removed) so this can never happen again.
Then Trump will be back for the rebuilding stage (physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually)
The best is yet to come.