>Shock: NASCAR launching electric racing series in 2023, leaked documents say.
The Daytona 500 is now the DAYTONA 5.
>Shock: NASCAR launching electric racing series in 2023, leaked documents say.
The Daytona 500 is now the DAYTONA 5.
>>16776955 pb
Brillioun Energy briefed congress 7 years ago that they had cold fusion working and to get ready.
Who spiked it for all this time? I said right here that the only reason Saudi Aramco was selling shares was to dilute their losses. They have Tier 1 intelligence in the energy sector…they knew this was coming.
I guess the Russia energy hostage was enought political pressure to uncork it against the petro sector.
The dominoes. They be falling.
LENR isn't new…just suppressed. Expect moar.
Roger that. For an unrelated reason, I was checking on the cold fusion links out of Wikipedia to see who else was joining Brillioun in the yes, we can club. It was just a bunch of denial, nutjob pron and Brillioun's site wasn't even listed. Only quacks and their cousins.
The companies that can do this, don't talk. The ones who talk, can't do it. Expect to see the big get in now that the engineers can get a crack at it. The Japanese are already and have been way far out ahead of us…they can transmute elements with this tech. Of course publicly they starved their programs and claim they're mothballed as failures. BS.
Here we go. Shipping container reactors. Long in the works.
It's time to get this out of the shadows. Fission, fusion, all of it.
ben ded