Lets think about "suicides" for a moment. To my mind, there are only three broad categories:
1) Voluntary - individual is tortured, ill, suffering from depression, debt, guilt or whatever…and chooses suicide of his/her own accord.
2) Murder - individual is involuntarily taken out, but it is professionally staged to be a credible voluntary suicide.
3) Coerced - individual is shown damaging information that has been collected on him/her (even if manufactured), or otherwise threatened. The easy way out is strongly suggested. They are given a choice of either a) suicide or b) having their reputation ruined, their fortunes wiped out, and their loved ones left shamed and destitute. They are instructed very specifically how, when and where to do it. Investigation is cursory, and the book is closed.
While I suspect the cabal does a fair amount of #2, I think #3 is a far more common cabal tactic than anyone realizes.