Very emotion-laden, except that's not how trees operate.
That makes sense. Also bandaid shaped, maybe out in the sun wearing one while he recovered.
Yeah, and those Mizrahim and Sephardim, certain Ashenazim have been working on getting rid of them, guess they look too much like the other locals.
Nobody's allowed in the Rich Club unless they have problems. Nowadays I wonder things like whether they've ever cooked long pork.
I'm suspicious. Who the fuk would call out Madame Defarge?
My goodness! Isn't that revolutionary! <3
I read a post on GLP, it said there were beings that were similar but different on the planet, it went into detail about how they could live on a diffeent diet, I'm remembering eating crap like McDonald's was right up their alimentary canal. The post described other aspects of these beings, something about their different biochemistry, it was a pretty compelling read. I checked on other threads for a bit and then thought i should go grab that thread, when I went back it was gone, it was only a short while. The Qs would know. Or what you're saying. Or both. Or neither.
Denial is not…etc., etc.
I haven't dug, but AJ is one strike against him.
Your phone or are you talking about my ThinkPad?
I've seen too many pictures of him interacting with people to think this is anymore than being caught in an awkward pose as he is enthusiastically giving a bear hug.