Huge Security risk to allow a foreign country to own land within a 1,000 miles of a domestic air or defensive base.
The Global Elite are buying land for new DUMBS. Has nothing to do with farming !!!
Huge Security risk to allow a foreign country to own land within a 1,000 miles of a domestic air or defensive base.
The Global Elite are buying land for new DUMBS. Has nothing to do with farming !!!
Definitely Comms. Related to secure power for the alt internet set up holding the ip addresses reserved in Dec 2020.
Reeeee… Panic in DC
Remember Heels Up is not US born, cannot be Al Presidentess, Piglosi thinks she's in.. constitutional crisis coming when they both claim the WH.
DC is by far mostly Black American Population
School only starts at the end of summer ?
Did Parents get forced to vax for students doing summer school ?
What will happen when these kids start being hospitalized for cardiac events this fall ?
This will force the Black Population in America to wake up and realize the Dems are using them as guinea pigs and want to force a population reduction.
This wall not end well
Lightning and Directed Energy have similar effects. One is built into Nature by the almighty and the other is man made. You decide!!
As for me it is relevant that only one stone out of four was destroyed. We are witnessing a countdown. If and when God takes a hand using Nature, not one pebble would be left.
Well a lot of "dead everything" has already been revealed. The "Dumb ?" at the end of the water soon to be revealed. Question is who pulled the plug ? Panic across the DS when the irrefutable proof of these tunnel systems can't be hid.