has anon ever actually been self-employed? Anon seems oblivious to the "uncertainty" about ones immediate and distant future that is the daily reality of being self-employed. The reality of no customers, or crazy customers, or lawsuits, or marketing costs, or employee costs or….
Anon comes from generations of self-employed people and was himself self-employed at a very early age. The choice to be an employed or to be self-employed is a business decision like any other business decision.
If it makes sense to be employed, be employed. If it makes sense to be self-employed, choose that.
It's not about ego or self image or anything else other than what makes business sense.
cuz theyre delicious?
Toronto physician speaks out against assisted suicide: ‘Unspoken solution’ to ‘aging population’?
Is euthanasia the ‘unspoken solution to the problem of an aging population promised ‘free’ and unlimited health care?’
Federal Debt and Unfunded Entitlement Promises
The government has created massive unfunded promises for Social Security and Medicare. The actuaries of these programs estimate that unfunded benefits in present value terms are $60 trillion and $103 trillion, respectively. Those are the promised future benefits less projected program incomes.
larping will continue until the Movie is over.
>Sauce: Many years on crutches.
anon figured it out before taking his third step with crutches.
>oo bad we don't know if "Q Returns" is a full feature or a short film, a kind of interlude
it's fiction
you think you'll die happy but it's a very slow death
nah, that's what yer wife's for