Wen you gonna get it?
Right click on the picture. Copy video URL.
>Dr. Brix admits her and Fauci made up the science!
And they're still going. The beat goes on.
Had to look that one up. Bobby pretends to be Italian. I think he's like 1/4 Italian. 3/4 candy ass. People that change their name or hide behind another ethnic group are of low morale caliber.
Check out the dude to the right. I'd have him removed already.
I was just going to say that.
Possible. His father was a flamer. Probable changed his name too. "Not that there's anything wrong with that". But don't go around pretending to be the toughest guy around.
They look totally out of place. Like they've already been arrested.
Milo - He's a freak.
He's still there. This rally has a weird vibe.
So wasn't Arthur Bremer.
Who trust is under 10.
Kari is practical, level headed and educational. Give it a shot AZ.
Probable because we're in a Twilight Zone. No one knows what's going on. Outside looking in.