Anon need not 'demand' anything on any mind claiming itself to be God incarnate.
Anon just knows that any system claiming itself as complete 'over' Anon's body, is necessarily inconsistent.
Any system that is inconsistent will output ANYTHING as 'true', no matter how self-destructive it is humanity level.
Anon is a human.
Anon knows Anon is human.
Not a sheep.
Not cattle.
A human.
Even if there are 'negations' in the narrative that accuse Anon of being divided, in any way, Anon is united with God as much as Anon was at birth when created in His image.
(Pronouns in the narrative are only being weaponized because the cult wants to destroy the NOTION of God the father almighty. Everything else is a smokescreen to INJECT THE LOGIC OF INVOCATION OF GOD AS ITSELF VERBOTEN)