The 'Eye' is exposed.
>LGBTQ people get offended
Tim missed a step.
>the pedos introduce 'anti-LGBTQ' 'reaction' narrative to trigger 'pro-LGBTQ' people into becoming offended by 'groomer' and then attack the source of 'anti-pedos' AS IF they are anti-LGBTQ.
The reactions of LGBTQ people MAY OR MAY NOT BE a cover up of their own pedophilia.
Look to the LOUDEST to know who.
Reddit overlords = Loud = they Pedos.
Tim needs to grasp that Pedos are HIDING THEMSELVES BY INVOKING 'ANTI-LGBT' memes.
Look at this pro-pedo sick fuck trying to hide pedos behind religion, as if to portray anti-pedo as 'really' anti-religion.
Sick bastard.
False logic.
Why aren't all the real instances of peaceful cooperation that can be posted instead of violence considered 'real'.
It's because you're trying to defeat God by 'realizing' as many instances of pain and suffering as possible.
Won't work.
God's still there.
Since some women take it in the ass, that too is "a" dick in "a" ass, so no women who take it in the ass can be trusted according to your pre engagement DIVISION logic.
This is cringe repeat loops of trying to protect and advance satanic attacks on God by inverting that inner truth as an outward division narrative to hide yourself.
The Satanic Cult's sole exclusive purpose and goal is to defeat God, and in their cringe method that contradicts itself, they believe that by inflicting as much pain and suffering on things that are closest to God, children, or adults whose religious texts include statements or being children of God, all that is attacked by (you).
We see you satan.
It's a 'thought' that targets and attacks anything and everyone close to God.
It's the Satanists
It's NOT the Satanists.
It's NOT ALL Satanists.
It's only some Satanists.
wait a secondโฆrecalibratingโฆ
This person is trying to attack and destroy everything it THINKS is close to God.
Because it is projecting, it itself invokes whatever is close to God and attacks it,to defeat God.
So, the cult repeatedly invokes 'the Jews' because in their religious texts there is talk of being close to God.
That makes the cult angry so the cult attacks the narrative of 'jews' here.
Satanic cult also attacks children, since children are close to God.
Therefore, the loidest muhjoos here are statistically the highest probability of being pedophiles themselves.
Guess what dipshits.
Information can entirely code any system with the same 1's and 0's.
In the digital sphere, your 'method' reveals itself as inconsistent bugs in the matrix. World sees it.
Difference does not logically imply 'difference' under God.
Difference does not logically imply division under God.
This person is repeatedly attacking what IT thinks is close to God, 'the Jews' whose religious texts include statements that 'Jews are God's chosen people'.
It is seeking to 'label' anon as that which it thinks by attacking it is attacking God,
Cringe bro, cringe.
You're not defeating God by repeatedly invoking God.
God isn't crying out in pain when you murder babies.
God is setting the stage for your eventual exposure and justice.
>Women are subhuman
Intentional misreading.
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus"
Satanists attack this passage because it indicates Man was created before Woman, so, the Satanists believe they are 'following the bible' by attacking (smearing) men to be where the Satanist's own hatred resides.
Attack Men as 'implementing human sub human' because Men were created first and are (in time only) closest to God.
Always attacking things close to God.
Satanic infiltration of narrative ABOUT things close to God, to hide itself.
kek, they're even CONFIRMING when they try to 'mock' what they see as an inconsistency outside their own minds.
>Now do Grenell
Anon is UNITED with Grenell in being imperfect (incomplete) follower of Christ's teachings.
Better than "I am God" = "I rape children"
Now do the pedophiles.
I double dog dare you to try by not attacking what you THINK is 'close to God', be it children, or a religion.
Go on, give it a go Satanists.
>Attacking things close to God?
Yes, that is the cult's code. To defeat God, and the cringe method is to introduce "I am God" inconsistency into the real world, and PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY attack all things the cult's OWN CODE PLACES AS CLOSE TO GOD.
>You and I both know that God hates you, shlomo
That is just your psychological projection of a broken code.
Anon knows God loves Anon, and you too.
>You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires.
Nah that's just another cringe psychological projection of your own mind.
When you say 'you', you're talking about yourself. That voice in your mind that sounds like 'you' to you, is the very introduction of inconsistency that this Anon can see as inconsistent.
Your code is full of bugs.
Anon is a child of God the Father, and God loves Anon as God loves all His creation.
You are a creation of God is the only statement that can be both a true description outside and being a psychological projection.
>He was a murderer from the beginning
No, that is your 'reaction' to having a beginning and end IN TIME.
You 'see' your own finite existence as 'punishment', when in reality it is a gift.
>and does not stand in the truth
God is the truth.
>because there is no truth in him.
Anon does not see 'truth' from an inconsistent system such as your chosen code.
>When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
That's just an inversion of your own 'God' Satan.
Anon already has 'chosen'.
Anon ADMITS TO BEING IMPERFECT AND A SINNER, UNITED with all other imperfect incomplete followers of God.
Anon already chose.
Anon chose God.
You can choose to continually attack God, but it can only be 'realized' by needless physical pain and suffering of everything close to God.
You morons realize that you're literally posting a self-description meme.
Attacking everything close to God, including Children, including religions whose texts say 'God's chosen'.
Pedophilia is the other side of the same logic uniting the world AGAINST the 'you against you' 'me against myself' great deceivers of Satan's 'followers'.
You can keep attacking INFORMATION digitally, but when will you morons realize that everything you're posting is at most a bunch of "AND" statements, that are not destroying the carriers of truth of being close to God?
All of humanity will not accept TRANSPARENT Satanic child rape and killing, that's precisely why you morons are desperately trying to become Gods by destroying the memes of what you cannot actually destroy.
You are destroying yourselves. You failed to adapt to the digital information revolution.
Species have lasted for millions of years before going extinct.
Do you honestly believe 2000 years is 'proof' you are going to be infinite? That you're really 'Gods'?
Cringe code, wow.
No wonder "Q chose this board". Anons see the logical mess that is your method, Satanists.
>You and I both know
You keep falsely implying your sick and evil code is everyone else's.
Anons cannot consistently interface with a system outputting inconsistencies, unless Anons themselves think inconsistently.
Anon seeks consistency by admitting to be incomplete, including having an incomplete understanding of everything YOU know.
You don't know all of what Anon knows, saying 'You and I both know" is LOGICALLY a psychological projection of your own division code.
The 'you' and the 'I' you're referencing are both 'you', because Anon is receiver of it, not a source of it.
>Once again
I am asking you to accept my inconsistent code.
>and chooses to benefit your narrative.
Kek, as if you're not doing that exact activity?
Kek, always projecting these Satanists.
That's a threat from 'them' that they will try to use race to turn people against each other.
It's a cringe tactic.
Anon suspects they used 'corona' as an insult to God's children (Corona = halo).
Anon convinced they are using 'monkeypox' as an insult to God's children as 'sub-human'.
Everything the WHO says, is just CCP propaganda.
Is God dead yet after years of attacking the bodies of 'God's chosen'?
Do you morons really expect God to die by adding memes to anonymous boards?
You're posting Satanic code, yes.
You're attacking 'jew' hoping to become god of jews.
Is God dead yet? no? Awww
>typical jew, trying to speak for everyone
You dumb fucks satanists are the ones who keep saying 'you and I both know" you projecting cringe morons.
You're not Gods, you're undiagnosed mental patients.
FYI I used to and still occasionally output Satanic code in various forms.
Division is something Anon is still 'recovering' from.
The anon below is trying to defeat God by destroying 'narrative' of everything closest to God.