Anonymous ID: 000000 July 23, 2022, 6:28 p.m. No.16792015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2148

The LORD takes pleasure in His people;

He adorns the humble with victory.

Let the faithful exult in glory;

let them sing for joy on their couches.

Let the high praise of God be in their throats

and the two-edged swords in their hands.

to wreak vengeance on the peoples,

to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron,

to execute on them the judgment written!

This is the glory for all His faithful ones.

Praise the LORD!


Anonymous ID: 000000 July 23, 2022, 6:51 p.m. No.16792179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

With all my voice I cry to the Lord,

with all my voice I entreat the Lord.

I pour out my toubles before hi;

I tell him all my distress

while my spiriti faints within me.

But you, O Lord, know my path.


On the way where I shall walk

they have hidden a snare to entrap me.

Look, on my right hand and see:

there is not one who takes my part.

I have no means of escape,

not one who cares ofr my soue.

I cry to you, O Lord.

I have said: “You are my refuge,

all I have left in the land of the living.”

Listen then to my cry

for I am in the depths of distress.


Rescue me from those who pursue me

for they are stronger than I.

Bring my soul out of this prison

and then I shall praise your name.

Around me the just willl assemble

because of your goodness to me.


Lord, we humbly ask for your goodness May you help us to hope in you, and give us a share with your chosen ones in the land of the living.


You are my refuge, Lord; you are all that I desire in this life.


The Lord humbled himself, and God exualted him for ever.

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 23, 2022, 7:26 p.m. No.16792361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A worthless shill and a sad demonstration at diversionary tactics. We are all one in God. And your inability to see it shows you will be united with us, and your cares cast asunder.