Your the shill, you never once addressed what was said always name calling is all you do.
If new eyes are newbies then why did Q say "We thank you for your service"?
You can't address the logic only name call, your a child chtulu kid, a child.
Your the shill, you never once addressed what was said always name calling is all you do.
If new eyes are newbies then why did Q say "We thank you for your service"?
You can't address the logic only name call, your a child chtulu kid, a child.
reread the post
You didn't address what was said either, if new eyes are newbies then
Why should newbies be ready they do not even know.
5:5 means eyes on but newbies haven't even learned about Q nor what to look for.
Why would we thank them for their service? They haven't research anything let alone done anything.
You just want to deny God's hand, which is your right, but that does not mean you are right. Read my original post, Q+ acknowledges at least through mirrors else decode his meanings.
Can't address the logic so you attack the messenger, the grammar, spelling, or any little thing because you can't attack the message.
Explain whenever you can.
This is a transient board of messages, not an English class. But you want to make it into an English class because you cannot address the messages. Nit Pick and name call. But one thing it does go to show, that most patriots have left this place.